balata poster - application/pdf 659K
A tank enforces curfew in Balata camp in August.
- photos
- children's art (drawings, paintings, and some 3-dimensional art)
- video (interviews with individuals, interviews with '48 surviors, footage of the camp, footage of soldiers and human rights abuses etc)
- sounds (music, interviews, noise from camp, noise from soldiers, children's choirs)
- martyr posters
- interactive displays
- women's embroidery and art
- graffiti (stencils done by people in the camp)
- stories and poetry
- individual's stories and background information about Balata including information from community organizations
This will be followed in the evening at 1900 at the same venue, by the showing of a video and discussion on Balata with two activists who have recently spent time at Balata.
For further information check out:
photo: Nik D, August 2004
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