Counter-demonstration against Zionists using memory of the Holocaust to condemn Iran
The message of Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jewry: “Don’t Use the Holocaust to Justify Zionism”
On Sunday, May 1st at 12:00 P.M. in front of the Iranian Mission to the United Nations on Third Avenue and 40th Street (622 Third Ave.), Zionist groups will hold a vigil to use the memory of the Holocaust to condemn Iran. Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews will show their opposition to this provocation by demonstrating on the opposite side of the avenue.
The Zionist ideology and the Zionist state are forbidden by the Torah. According to Jewish belief Jews are in a Divinely decreed exile and are forbidden to: a) go up amass to the Holy Land, b) rebel against any nation, c) make any attempt to end exile. Jews are required to wait patiently for a Divine redemption by the Almighty Himself, without any human intervention. Therefore World Jewry and it’s leaders where always opposed to the philosophy of Zionism and to the creation of the State of “Israel”.
The horrible facts of the Holocaust do not change the position of the Torah. Zionism and the State of Israel remain forbidden. - Also we agree with the well-known statement by the Iranian president that the Palestinians should not have to pay the price for the Holocaust.
The facts of the Holocaust are undeniable; many of us and our parents are witnesses to it. We, survivors of the Holocausts and children of survivors, know what it means to suffer. We do not wish to make others suffer, or see others suffer.
What has been done over the last few decades in Palestine by Zionism and the State of Israel has been done falsely in our name, the name of Judaism and in the name of the Holy Torah. The Zionist State and its actions is still strictly forbidden by the Torah, and is condemned by countless Jews around the world.
Jews are in exile, and must act humbly. To provoke the nations of the world is forbidden by the Torah. The Zionists have been provoking the Arab world from the very beginning of their movement. In the course of their history, they have provoked many other nations, and now they are provoking Iran.
The Zionist approach has never brought any benefit to anyone — even the Jewish people, whom they claim to protect. On the contrary, they have disturbed the longstanding peace we have always enjoyed with the Arab world.
The Zionists give the Holocaust high publicity today, because it helps them win sympathy and support. But we must remember that they also share in the guilt for what happened to the six million European Jews. Many books have been written to document the fact that Zionists collaborated with the Nazis to further their own national and personal interests, as well as ignored crucial opportunities to save Jews and at other times, callously incited and fanned the flame and furor of the Nazi leaders. These titles include Holocaust Victims Accuse by Moshe Schonfeld, 51 Documents by Lenny Brenner, Perfidy by Ben Hecht, The Unheeded Cry by Rabbi Michael Weissmandl and The Seventh Million by Tom Segev.
We find it ironic that those who were so implicated in this genocide while it was happening, talk about and use it incessantly afterwoods as an accuse to justify all their actions.
We pray for the speedy and peaceful dismantlement of the entire State of “Israel”, a time when Jews and Arabs will once again live in brotherhood and peace. May we ultimately merit to see, soon in our days, the revelation of the glory of the Almighty, when all humanity will serve Him in joyous harmony. Amen.
"Don't use the Holocaust to justify Zionism"

Hide the following 13 comments
Benjamin Netanyahu: Where is the global outrage over Iran's calls for genocide?
24.05.2011 12:08
Obama and Merkel tour the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany, 5 June 2009
Netanyahu: Where is the global outrage over Iran's calls for genocide?
[propaganda alert]
compiled by Cem Ertür
27 January 2011
"[A] member country of the UN, the regime of ayatollahs – stands up and knowingly and openly calls for the annihilation of at least another six million Jews, without even a hint of pretense. And nobody says a thing. [...] [W]here is the global uproar that should have risen from advanced communities around the world in response to explicit declarations of genocide, of exterminating a people, that same people!"
[Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu, address to the Israeli Parliament Knesset marking the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Tel Aviv, 26 January 2011] [1]
[1] PM's address to the Knesset marking the International Holocaust Remembrance Day
[Israeli] Prime Minister's Office website, 11 January 2011
from the archives:
US army chief: We are obligated to make sure that the Holocaust will never happen again
Dandelion Salad, 15 February 2010
Netanyahu: Our lesson from the Holocaust is that threats to our existence must be nipped in the bud
Dandelion Salad, 27 August 2009
Obama & Merkel visit Buchenwald concentration camp: We will do everything we can so that something like this never happens again
Dandelion Salad, 7 June 2009
related link:
Israel: "Wiped off the map". The rumor of the century, fabricated by the US media to justify an all out war on Iran
by Arash Norouzi, Global Research, 26 September 2010
Cem Ertür
just as nutty as Zionists and Islamists
24.05.2011 16:42
People certainly believe some crazy shit.
NK? You must be kidding.
24.05.2011 16:45
just one question
I'm confused
24.05.2011 17:32
Orchid amongst the weeds.
25.05.2011 00:41
Ahmadinejad said he wanted to see the sovereign nation of Israel 'wiped off the map'. He has never claimed the Holocaust 'never happened'!
There are two ways to see this.
You can either take it as a statement calling for the annexation of the sovereign territory of Israel, which is a largely political, legal and international matter regarding the naming of nations and sovereign identity of a people in cultural and sociological terms.
Or you can take the Zionist view which is a call for the organised extermination of every living Jew in the region in and around Israel.
Generally, how you see this will depend on how hysterical, melodramatic and infantile your world view is.
The fact that Netanyahu is able to distort the words of another leader of a sovereign state in this way, and to his own legislative body, certainly does illustrate the extremism that now infects everyday politics in Israel.
Not for nothing is it considered an apartheid state driven by the politics of slow moving ethnic cleansing and extremist fundamentalism.
Mr Netanyahu has also gone on record as claiming that Europeans are 'diseased', and that the Holocaust was all the fault of Britain and America.
Generally, he is an extremely unpleasant and odious individual.
In Israel, he is considered a moderate!!!
"They don't represent Jews, they don't represent Judaism, they don't represent Orthodox Judaism, they don't even represent most of the Neturei Karta movement. All they represent is their own tiny, tiny little self-promoting sect."
The Rabbi's in the picture have been around a long time and have been persistently present on a whole range of issues including civil rights, human rights and the rights and freedoms of the Palestinian people. They do not represent the Jewish people because the vast vast majority of Jewish people are not in the least bit interested in Judaism as a religion and are no longer practising, many of them are wholly unconcerned with the fate of Israel..
The Rabbi's are Orthodox Jews and are widely accepted as such. However, they are also connected as campaigners with senior Iranian figures in the UK and that makes them a target for belligerent younger male extremist Zionist's, a few of which post here at Indymedia.
window dressing
25.05.2011 02:35
What you don't know about Judaism quite obviously could fill an encyclopedia. The NK are not widely accepted as anything but a fringe group most Orthodox Jews want nothing to do with, and their ties with Iran have lead most Orthodox Jewish groups to denounce them.
Time to stop spinning the fairy story that they're anything but Iranian window dressing, meant to fool non-Jews into thinking they're in some way significant.
Extremism & fanatical Zionism.
25.05.2011 08:35
Well that's just a view you have...isn't it?
Having met these Rabbi's and having seen the color of their campaigning money I can testify to their legitimacy.
In the modern environment of hysterical extremism and deluded and nonsensical garbage that is the politics of Zionism and Zionist's, they are a very welcome addition to the arsenal of those seeking to deal Zionism the death blow it deserves.
I have spoken to these Rabbi's and I find them coherent, lucid, pleasant, sympathetic and aware of public opinion around them.
I have also spoken to Zionist's and I find them childish, deluded, incoherent, extreme and fundamentally indifferent to public opinion. On some occasions I have detected mental illness presented as political opinion.
The Rabbi's speak the truth when they say Zionism is illegitimate and a fundamental threat not only to the security of Jews living in Israel, but to the well-being of Jews all over the world. No honest, decent or upstanding member of the Jewish community can support Zionism.
Zionism is to the Jewish race...what Al Qaida is to the people of New York.
We should consider defences of Zionism, and attacks on those who are compelled to challenge it, to be the work of terrorists and extremists.
No platform.
here come da fax
25.05.2011 14:26
Actually, no. It's called fact. If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know that these guys don't even represent the majority of Neturei Karta, let alone Orthodox Jews, let alone religious Jews, let alone Jews. They're a little splinter sect of about fifty to a hundred. You'd also know that most Orthodox Jews washed their hands of the Neturai Karta after the NK participated in Ahmadinejad's mad tea party.
But don't take my word for it. Do some research, rather than taking everything the NK say at face value. Ask other Orthodox Jews besides the NK what the NK are, their relative size, their reputation among Orthodox Jews. You'll find that you've been duped.
And I always think it's a riot when non-Jews start going on about what *true* Judaism *really* is, and why it isn't what it *should* be...
window dressing
Eradicating online Zionism.
26.05.2011 06:16
That is exactly the politics of zionism!
And simply re-stating your 'view' of the Rabbi's in this article does not constitute 'fact'...no matter how much you would wish it to!
The Rabbi's in this article have persistently stated in public that zionism is a fraudulent apparition that is not legitimate within the Judaic religion. They have gone on record repeatedly to state that zionism is a fundamentalist ideology incompatible with the central tenets of Judaism and that it falls on all Jews to reject it and to reject those who espouse it. These points have formed the bulk of the campaigning the Rabbi's have been involved with and they have been consistently reliable in this regard.
I think it is these statements the Rabbi's have made that inform your belligerent remarks and not any coherent understanding of public opinion as it currently stands.
Most people, Jews and non Jews alike, understand that zionism is a fundamentalist extremist political ideology beset by violence and organised anti-semitism. They understand that zionism is a terrorist entity and followers of zionism are engaged with terrorism and are perpetrators of acts of terrorism. They understand that zionism is heavily reliant on fabricating conflict and violence in order to achieve its aims of territorial annexation of Palestinian territory. Much of the membership of zionist organisations are members of terrorist gangs such as the Irgun et al.
I will repeat to you what has already been said. No decent, honest and upstanding member of the Jewish community can support such an organisation. Those that do are engaged with supporting and funding of a terrorist organisation.
An Englishman.
you failed again
26.05.2011 13:51
Again, I wonder if you've ever talked on the topic to any religious Jews outside the NK. Given the NK's penchant to find every microphone and every camera, and to claim to speak for a consensus they do not represent, you've got a very twisted picture. And that has allowed you to build the bizarre construct that you repeat and repeat. No, Zionism is not some alien thing grafted onto Judaism. That is simply your way to pretend that it is not Judaism or Jews you're attacking.
read up on it
The reality of zionism.
27.05.2011 12:27
But you stopped short and didn't accuse me of being anti-semitic!
Did something go wrong?
And yes, zionism is an extremist ideology grafted onto Judaism. This is how extremism works. It "self legitimises" itself by attaching itself to the majority without making any attempt to determine what the majority think about it.
I know a great many Jewish people and I have yet to find one that doesn't think that zionism is used to breed anti-semitism. They all think that zionism is for the loonie-tunes. They don't like it, won't fund it, avoid those who do support it and some work quietly against its interests by betraying it to the law whenever they get the chance.
The people arrested in the story above were betrayed by those close to them. They were betrayed because they were perceived to be secretly zionist extremists. Many of these arrestee's held views that have been described as deeply anti-semitic and horribly offensive to ordinary Jews.
This is the everyday reality of zionism.
oh, you poor thing
27.05.2011 18:31
Point to the line proving that these guys were "betrayed" by anti-Zionist Jews because of their "Zionist extremism."
Oh, sorry, that's right. You can't. Why? Because you made it up. It's not in the article. It's in your head. Just like your theory that Zionism is something alien grafted onto Judaism, after Jews spent the last two thousand years of praying for a return to Jerusalem, is just in your head.
non non non
Sterilising zionism, and other civil duties.
27.05.2011 22:07
I know all about this case. I also know the daughter of one of the defendents.