eye on 7/7 Inquests that are taking place at the Royal Courts of Justice
under the auspices of Lady Justice Hallett. The Inquests are expected to
last at least five months and will see the release of evidence that has
previously been kept from public scrutiny.
As you might expect, J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign is keeping a close
eye on 7/7 Inquests that are taking place at the Royal Courts of Justice
under the auspices of Lady Justice Hallett. The Inquests are expected to
last at least five months and will see the release of evidence that has
previously been kept from public scrutiny.
The J7 submissions to the Inquests announced last week detailed
suggested lines of inquiry and questions which we believe should be
proposed and considered by the Coroner. If you haven't seen them yet,
you can read and download the J7: Submissions to the Inquests here:

J7's submissions to the Inquests would appear to have been read and
commented on by the solicitor to the Inquests, Hugo Keith QC. On the
first day of the Inquests, during his opening statement, Keith stated:
14 My Lady, I have mentioned this evidence because
15 a number of unlikely conspiracy theories have been aired
16 in the press and on the internet. One particular
17 campaigning group has submitted voluminous submissions
18 to the Inquest team, and the submissions reflect
19 long-held views expressed on the website, that website,
20 to the effect that there are a large number of anomalies
21 that merit detailed attention.
22 We consider it important that such claims are
23 identified and addressed, many of the claims were
24 helpfully identified and summarised in the written
25 submissions advanced before you in April by
1 Kingsley Napley.
2 Where such claims do not appear to be supported by
3 the evidence that has been gathered, there is, we feel,
4 a danger that the continuation of such claims might
5 needlessly distress the bereaved families as well as
6 detracting attention away from the issues that you have
7 identified as being worthy of further investigation.
8 My Lady, as you know, the law does not oblige you to
9 conduct an inquisition into every stated rumour and
10 suspicion. There must be a reasonable basis in evidence
11 for such a suspicion before any coroner can be expected
12 to conduct an inquisition into it.
13 There is no evidence at all that we have seen to
14 suggest that the bombers were duped in some way so that
15 they did not know that they were going to die or, even
16 more absurdly, that they did not know that they were
17 carrying explosives at all. Indeed, such claims run
18 entirely contrary to all the evidence that I have
19 summarised so far.

Despite Hugo Keith's confidence in the "evidence summarised so far", and
after only four days of hearings at the Inquests, the official story is
coming even further apart at the seams than it already has as a result
of J7's research since 2005.
However, if your only source of information is the press and mainstream
media, you might know that some of the accused shopped at Asda, but you
wouldn't be aware of the show-stopping fundamental flaws in the official
story that the Inquest hearings have already revealed.
In order to add the independent public scrutiny for which J7 has earned
renown over the last five years, J7 have set up a dedicated new blog to
examine and analyse witness testimonies and any releases of evidence as
they occur.
J7: 7/7 Inquests Blog - Examining and documenting the proceedings of the
Coroner's Inquest into the London Bombings of 7 July 2005, including
analysis of the hearing transcripts and the evidence presented.

Currently, there are three articles on the blog which examine the
opening of the Inquests and some of the core issues that have been
covered during the first week of the Inquests:
J7: 7/7 Inquests Blog: 7 July Inquests: It's A Conspiracy, Stupid!

J7: 7/7 Inquests Blog: A CCTV Fuss About Nothing?

J7: 7/7 Inquests Blog: The Final Curtain - "CCTV rich" to "CCTV FAIL!"

We will be in touch again soon. In the meantime, please keep checking
back at the J7: 7/7 Inquests blog. You can also subscribe to the J7:
7/7 Inquests blog using RSS feed links on the blog, or by email using
the 'Subscribe to J7:Inquests Blog' form in the blog sidebar.
In solidarity, for truth and justice,
J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign
J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign

J7 Blog:

J7 Inquests Blog:

J7 Facebook:

J7 Petition:

J7 Forum:

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A new film on the 2005 London bombings: "Seeds of Deconstruction"
18.10.2010 16:01
Ken Livingstone and Ian Blair wait to sign a book of condolences, 11 July 2005
7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction
released on August 3, 2010
J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign website, 10 August 2010
The second film that J7 is happy to recommend to anyone interested in the events of 7/7 is one that updates and expands greatly on the information presented in Ludicrous Diversion, and also helps place the events of 7/7 in a wider historical and political context.
7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction
Investigative documentary 7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction which examines some of the questions and conspiracy theories about 7/7 the July 7th 2005 London Bombings.
The first half of the film examines covert operations from three different periods - Central America 1954-63, Italy 1945-1990 and Afghanistan/Pakistan 1979-Present day. These operations are used to provide context to the second half of the film, which is a detailed analysis not only of the events of the day of 7/7, but of the intelligence and security policy of the War on Terror in which 7/7 happened.
The full film can be watched here on the VeeHD web site:
7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction
from 77Archive
on Veehd
The full video is also available on blip.tv:
Alternatively, you can watch the film in 18 parts using the YouTube playlist version:
http:// http://www.julyseventh.co.uk/j7-films-ludicrous-diversion-seeds-of-dec onstruction.html#77SeedsofDeconstruction
Doubts with official version
18.10.2010 16:09
two main adreas of disputation:
1). Why did Richard Jones, who was on the bombed No.30 bus and got off the bus shortly before it exploded, give a very misleading description of the bomber?
Richard Jones' description of the appearance of the alleged bomber - Hasib Hussain - is completely at odds with the appearance of Hasib Hussain on CCTV taken outside the Boots Chemist in Kings Cross a short period of time before he is said to have boarded the No-30 bus in Euston, showing Hussain was wearing jeans and a polo shirt, attire completely at odds with the description of the "smartly dressed" man described by Jones, wearing "hipster-style fawn checked trousers, with exposed designer underwear, and a matching jersey-style top".
From a BBC1 televison Interview with Richard Jones:
Just days after 7/7, the BBC broadcast an episode of Real Story with Fiona Bruce, "Terror Comes to London", broadcast on BBC1 on Monday 11 July, 2005, which gave considerable time to the eye-witness testimony of Richard Jones. Below is a transcript of Jones' appearance on that programme:
BBC's The Real Story
Looking forward to er... getting to work and reflecting on how the day would actually go. The announcement was made that the er.. the Waterloo and City line was suspended due to a power outage in the Bank area. I looked and there was no hope of getting a taxi and I still wanted to get to work. Looking at the crowd I decided to walk towards Baker Street, to er.. pick-up the bus ahead of the crowd and the thirty come along, I then got in and I was able to get a seat. I sat next to the disabled area of er.. the London bus towards the back, but what actually I noticed was that a young lad had got on. About twenty-five year old erm.. thin, six foot, erm.. olived skinned. Very well dressed. And a ... he was shoved towards me and he put a bag at his feet and off the bus went.
The one strange thing on reflection was, that this young lad kept delving into the bag and got more and more frustrated at least twelve, maybe twenty times in the five or six minutes that we were on the bus together. However, the bus then started getting gridlocked and the bus driver opened the ... the front door and let a few people off and er.. for some reason somebody got up off next to me and decided to go off as well and on the spur of the moment so did I. The noise was horrific and I felt er.. my hair rising with the rush of the wind and the pressure I just looked at it and said to a couple of people I've just got off that bus and this woman came up to me and er.. knelt down in front of me and when she heard me say that and er.. prayed to god for my deliverance.
Did Jones get off the bus because others were getting off the bus, or did he, as reported in the Scottish Sunday Mail, "bang on the front door" and shout "something like, 'Come on, Jimmy, we want off'"? Elsewhere, Jones fills in more detail about the appearance of the man that was presumed to be the bomber:
"The man was wearing hipster-style fawn checked trousers, with exposed designer underwear, and a matching jersey-style top."
Richard said: "The pants looked very expensive, they were white with a red band on top. It's a strange thing to remember but he was right in my face. I thought he was a real pain in the a**e. But in London you don't say anything".
Why did Scotland Yard deny that a second controlled explosion occurred on the Number 30 bus? (as reported by Miss Richmal Marie Oates-Whitehead, employee at the BMA and who was described as a herionne)".
Taken from :
Richmal Marie Oates Whitehead, a New Zealander by birth, was employed at the British Medical Association as the editor of Clinical Evidence, an online edition of the British Medical Journal. She rose to prominence and the attention of the public as a “heroine of the July 7 bombings” in the wake of the number 30 bus explosion outside her offices at BMA House when she recounted her story of assisting in the recovery operation to the New Zealand Herald. Ms Whitehead told of how she was asked by firefighters to assist before being asked to move away from the scene as police conducted a second explosion on a suspect package identified on the lower deck of the number 30 bus, described as a 'microwave box'.
Richmal Marie Oates Whitehead, a New Zealander by birth, was employed at the British Medical Association as the editor of Clinical Evidence, an online edition of the British Medical Journal. She rose to prominence and the attention of the public as a “heroine of the July 7 bombings” in the wake of the number 30 bus explosion outside her offices at BMA House when she recounted her story of assisting in the recovery operation to the New Zealand Herald.
The veracity of Ms Whitehead's story was originally called into question by the fact that Scotland Yard claimed to have no record of a second explosion at Tavistock Square. However, in the months that followed it was to be Scotland Yard's denial of a second explosion in Tavistock Square that was later proven to be false, not Ms Oates-Whitehead's account of a second explosion, a fact that raises further questions about the strange life and death of someone originally hailed as a “heroine of the July 7 bombings”.
A story in the Guardian outlines Richmal's version of events and her story as told to the New Zealand Herald:
She [Richmal Oates Whitehead] later told the Weekend Herald, a New Zealand paper, that she had been helping the injured in a makeshift hospital set up in a hotel next door to the BMA when two firefighters approached her for help.
"They needed one doctor to assist as firemen cut two badly injured people out of the wreckage. Would she come? They would understand if she declined," the front page article said. It reported Ms Oates-Whitehead as saying: "There was no room for hesitation - I wasn't thinking at that level. It was the moral and ethical thing to do." Her account included a controlled detonation of a second bomb. "Outside, there was another enormous bang as police detonated the 'bomb' - which turned out to be a false alarm."
According to 7/7 Truth, reports of the controlled explosion were also confirmed from a witness report of a London firefighter - Toby Keep of Holloway Blue Watch, PC Robert Crawford and the driver of the bus, George Psaradakis.
Other notable questions about 7/7 tube bombings:
- Pre-knowledge of the bombers by intelligence officials, as revealed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy - then French Interior Minister - who reporters that the then Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, had told him that some of the suspects had been subject to “partial arrest” in spring of 2004. It reveals that any survaillence operation of them failed specacularly, especially in view of the fact that MI5 head at the time - Eliza Manningham-Buller was reported to have said to Labour Party whips at a private Commons meeting on 06/07/2005 that there was "no imminent threat to London or the country" from a terrorist attack [Ref: The Guardian, 09/01/2007, Ian Cobain/David Hencke/Richard Norton-Taylor .. source: Notes From The Borderland, Issue-8, 2007].
- Why did the 100 million spent on Operation Theseus fail to establish the nature of the explosives used on 7 July 2005?”
- How did Mossad have advance knowledge of the bombs?”
The head of Mossad at the time - Meir Dagan - was reported to have said in an interview with the leading German tabloid newspaper 'Bild am Sonntag' on 10th July 2005 that he had informed Mr Netanyahu of the bombs ten minutes before they exploded, at 08.40am on 7/7/2005.
According to BBC Conspiracy Files programme on 7/7, it was because at the Grosvenor Hotel in Mayfair, where Benjamin Netanyahu had been staying, as Nethanyahu left the hotel on his way to the conference in Liverpool Street, a policeman was outside the front entrance and informed him that there had been an explosion near Liverpool street station. However, 'Stratfor Intelligence Agency' reported that the Met Police gave Benjamin Netanyahu warning the bombs were going to happen 10 minutes before they happened. Two weeks after, Mossad Chief Meir Dagan admitted he had informed Mr Netanyahu of the bombs ten minutes before they exploded at 08.40am on 7/7/2005. (source: Mossad chief Meir Dagan, in an interview with the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag on 10th July 2005).
Richmal Oates Whitehead was a fantasist
19.10.2010 16:16
See this article here:
Facts which the previous commenter conveniently leaves out. Or is this all a conspiracy too?
So I would take any evidence from her with a large pinch of salt.
And no, I'm not secretly working for MI5, etc., just a regular anarchist debunking troofer bullshit.
Flashback: Senior British Muslim censored by the BBC demands 7/7 enquiry
19.10.2010 21:06
Dr Naseem was interviewed on 19th September 2008
Senior British Muslim densored by the BBC demands 7/7 enquiry
Indymedia UK, 24 September 2008
Editorial note:
Okay, here is the full 45 minute version of this incredible interview. A welcome antidote to the current racist BBC blitz of fake terror trials. I decided to do this interview last week so that everyone could hear what Dr Naseem, one of the most senior Muslim clerics in Britain, has to say. After all the BBC refused to transmit the interview they had done with him for the Conspiracy Files documentary due to be transmitted this month then shelved. Now we know, from watching this, that censorship was all part of the racist and bloody war effort to keep Dr. Naseem and his 1500 moderate Muslim worshippers who do not believe the official 7/7 story out of the public and British political consciousness.
This 45 minute interview was conducted after Friday Prayers on 19th September 2008. Apologies for the crash editing. Please save and share.
In this interview with Dr Mohammad Naseem, Chairman of Birmingham Central Mosque Tony Gosling asks him about all aspects of the post-9/11 and post 7/7 Muslim experience in Britain. We hear how most Muslims do not believe the official story of the London Bombings and Dr. Naseem's calls for a free and open public enquiry into the day's bomb attacks.
Dr Naseem's experience of what he sees as pseudo-Islamic organisations 'Hizb ut-Tahrir' and 'Al-Muhajiroun' is discussed at length.
He links these 'Muslim' fringe groups to Western Intelligence agencies and describes their members as 'untouchables', either witting or unwitting servants of Western military interests. He discusses Koranic justification for allowing Christians and others into the Mosque and his dealings with the boss of Al Muhajiroun, Omar Bakri, now in Lebanon as well as the so-called 'mad mullah' Abu Hamza.
Dr Naseem takes us through various scrapes with death he has experienced including being held, in his surgery, at gunpoint by a gang who didn't seem to want to steal anything, and were being controlled remotely by someone on a mobile phone.
He talks about the way intelligence agencies recruit weak-minded people only to set them up as terrorist 'patsies', or dupes.
We also hear of good community relations in Birmingham as well as a Fatwah which has been issued against any killing of civilians by Muslims, or anyone else for that matter. And that the real target of the 'Muslim terror' threat is the taking away of the Majority Community, native British people's, civil liberties.
Finally we hear Dr Naseem's damning take on the Credit Crunch and hear why it is so important that we have an enquiry into the London Bombings of 2005.
first 7 minutes is here:
British Muslim Leader, Dr Naseem, begs for 7/7 London Bombings Enquiry - mp3 12M
Tony Gosling