Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed is executive director of the Institute for Policy Research & Development in London. He teaches International Relations at Sussex University. His research on international terrorism was officially used by the 9/11 Commission in Washington DC, and on 22 July, 2005 he gave expert testimony in US Congress on the failure of Western security policies at the hearing, “9/11 Commission Report One Year Later: Did They Get it Right?”

In the lecture he points out that 1 billion people are currently hungry -- one 1/6 of the worlds population. He asks who controls food and provides figures for some key parts of the global food production process -- 6 companies control 85% trade in grain, 3 control 85% of the banana trade, 4 control 84% of US grain production, etc. The green revolution, soil erosion, climate change, global warming, drought are all covered.
Peak oil, the Olduvai theory (

He talks about alternative and renewable energy, the financial system and how we might use what we have to plant a seed to create a better, post-industrial society.
Last year Nafeez Ahmed spoke at another meeting organised by the AhlulBayt Islamic Society at Imperial College London (

Other talks by Nafeez Ahmed on UK Indymedia include:
* Ties With Terror: Western-Al-Qaeda Relations in the Post-Cold War Period

* International Terrorism: The Secret History

* Creating Terror

Further reading:
The Institute for Policy Reseach & Development of which Nafeez is Executive Director:

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03.12.2008 13:02
"Energy Bulletin wrote:The section on peak oil begins about 40% into the talk. Nafeez Ahmed has done his homework - he cites Chris Skrebowski, Colin Campbell, Jeffrey Brown ("Explort Land Model"), the Energy Watch Group and the IEA's recent report. I hadn't heard Ahmed before and I was impressed by the wide-ranging nature of his talk."
The above audio has also been linked to from other Peak Oil sites: