Mail Boxes Etc - Accomodating the fascist BPP
BPP National Sectretary Kevin Watmough
the Nazi British People’s Party (BPP) - Suite 267 at 57 Great George
Street, Leeds LS1 3JA. This is actually a mailbox provided by a company called Mail Boxes Etc (UK) Ltd, who have provided addresses for, in turn, the White Nationalist Party, the Nationalist Alliance, and now the BPP. The company specialise in providing ‘prestige’ accommodation addresses for small businesses, though we doubt that too many companies would think it prestigious to be sharing an address with virulently racist Hitlerite nut-cases like the BPP.
Today’s picket was organised by The 635 Group, who are affiliated to the militant anti-fascist network Antifa ( ). Around 25 people attended what was expected to be a peaceful protest. That was until local fascist scumbag Tony White drove past, and shortly after two thugs, one armed with a knife, tried to attack the picket. They were however summarily dealt with, and scuttled away to lick their wounds in whatever gutter they had crawled out of.
Despite the minor disruption, more than 300 leaflets were given out during the protest, and the response from the general public could not have been better, with a number of people going into Mail Boxes Etc (MBE) to challenge the manager’s decision to continue providing the fascist BNP with a Leeds address. Several people who were collecting also said they would be cancelling their contract with MBE, rather than share an address with Nazis.
Recently MBE branches in both Belfast and Brighton have taken a welcome decision not to play host to fascists, but so far the Leeds branch have refused to reconsider their position, despite being shown documentation on the BPP and their fascist activities. In view of that the 635 Group will be organising further protests.
Please help to fight organised fascism in Leeds by contacting MBE:
Tel: 0113 242 8715
Why We Are Here
We are here today to protest about the continued provision of a mailbox at this address for the Nazi ‘British People’s Party’(BPP).
Who Are The BPP?
Until recently the BPP were called the White Nationalist Party, but because they cannot register such an openly racist name with the Electoral Commission, they changed it. Their politics however, have not changed, they remain a Nazi Hitlerite party with the most vile and repugnant views on Jews, Muslims, black people, gays, and the Holocaust. They use fascist insignia, give Nazi salutes, promote race hatred, and are virulent supporters of Adolf Hitler.
Kevin Watmough
The BPP mail is picked up by their National Secretary Kevin Watmough. A long-standing Hitler supporter who likes to wear Nazi regalia, Watmough, has numerous convictions for racial violence and for attacks on fascism’s ‘political opponents’. He is also responsible for setting up and maintaining race hate internet sites ‘Redwatch’ and ‘The White Nationalist Guestbook’, as well as the ‘Combat 18’ site and the BPP’s own fascist website. The language on these sites is so vile that reproducing it on a leaflet would break the law, suffice to say that they contain a level of racist hatred that would make decent people feel physically sick and wonder why the authors are not held in an institution for the criminally insane.
What About Free Speech?
Fascists like the BPP do not believe in ‘free speech’. Their Mailbox address is not used for philosophical discussion, it is used for organising race-hatred, promoting violence, and for selling Nazi merchandise. We are here today to expose the so-called British People’s Party for the hardline Nazis that they are, and to ask Mail Boxes Etc to terminate their contract with them as the company has already done in Belfast and Brighton.
This Leaflet is produced by The 635 Group, militant anti-fascists based in West Yorkshire and affiliated to the international Antifa movement. We exist to confront fascist ideas, activities, and organisations wherever and however they occur.
The 635 Group, c/o Antifa, Box 36, 84b Whitechapel High St, London E1.
Answerphone: 07913 024596
Hide the following 43 comments
nice one
10.01.2006 17:11
concerned of gipton
Oh Yeh
10.01.2006 18:46
Your friends in Bolton
10.01.2006 19:36
concerned of gipton
10.01.2006 20:25
What next, a petition ??
or a bring your granny protest ?
Oh Sandy
10.01.2006 20:45
The little bit about wipping the floor with a couple of your fearsome white vanguard?
Chocks away and we'll bag a nazi on the way back.
635 group appreciation squad
10.01.2006 21:14
John Constantine
Our time will come:
11.01.2006 00:02
We have allready got the home contacts:
Comeing soon a home visit:
11.01.2006 00:19
concerned of gipton
Go for it
11.01.2006 02:06
Sikh boy
11.01.2006 02:06
Kevin Watmough - The Master-Race?
Kevin Watmough - A Rat On The Run
Tony White - The Undead Walk Among Us
bloody horrible
11.01.2006 10:19
concerned of gipton
nice work
11.01.2006 11:31
Harehills Red
Good Night White Pride
11.01.2006 12:14
Black N Red
11.01.2006 13:10
Mail Boxes Etc. is a wholey owned global franchising opportunity provided by UPS
Presented by UPS who are seeking to expand their business in the UK (and Europe)
in light of recent deregulation (e.g. Poland).
- Mike Eskew,UPS Chairman and CEO says
"If you are not a socially responsible company, you are not truly a
Customer-focused company...let alone a shareholder-focused company."
Which justifies the Executive exchange Program
This policy of Social Responsibility might not fall in with certain
views held by some MBE and UPS Customers. It would be sensible to
ensure that UPS and MBE can clarify their policy on Social Responsibility
with respect to customers using the service to promote Fascism.
It is possible to enquire if this commitment to Social Responsibility
is upheld by mailing the following
and copying the mail to
to ensure it's clear how it impacts business
And to remind the parent entity of their Franchisee's responsibilities
to the parent through their hand facility comment here:
With the Words of the UPS Chief executive
Fo example an extract from Mike Eskew's Message: "On Leading with Integrity"
...As UPS employees and representatives, we have an obligation to make sure our daily decisions support the values and principles of the company.
But what does that mean exactly?
Certainly, it means managing the business to comply with the law and our ethical values. But our standard goes beyond the letter of the law. It also means we will conform to the spirit of what those regulations intend.
Simply put, it means our standard is to conduct business fairly, honestly, and ethically. ...
Michael Eskew
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
If UPS through MBE Leeds uphold the values of neofascist thugs, they undermine the financial value of their own Black executive program. Which might concern their investors...
...interested parties could as at any of the upcoming speeches,1404,,00.html
As one of these speeches will be at Emory University you could contact the Business School
to solicit their opinion
or ask how Emory's Press Officer
might comment if confronted with the promotion of neofascim by UPS
Or you could ask one of the Management Team to explain themselves personally by requesting a speaker
they might decline.
Pete Todd - outraged investor
Cleaning Up The Trash
11.01.2006 15:30
Tony White - All Mouth!
Actually, there were too of them inspecting the Great George St pavement yesterday :)
White and co cowered in their vehicle while it was going on. Tony normally keeps his mouth shut when there aren't any cops there to protect him.
The Nazi BPP
11.01.2006 16:40
Along with the following sites run by the BPP leadership:
And this, which is moderated by their so-called National Inspector Fat Sid Williamson:
Well done!
11.01.2006 16:55
11.01.2006 16:59
11.01.2006 19:23
What has Indymedia come to ?
11.01.2006 21:14
Lucy Bigspeak
well done lads and ladies
11.01.2006 22:33
For anyone who's interested, here's the fascists views on the demo:
From the language used, I think the writer seems a little peeved. Hahaha!
Leeds zombie look alike/alliance/front/group/splitters/snitches/party
11.01.2006 23:11
concerned of gipton
Fascist Hard-Men??!!!
11.01.2006 23:18
What a pathetic shower!
And from what I heard, it was the knife-wielding Nazi and his mate, who battered and squealing like pigs, scuttled away before the cops arrived - While brave Tony White was too chicken to get out of his car, and Kevin Watmough was frightened to go and get the mail until the picket was over. Better red than yellow Tony.
Alone With The Microwave
11.01.2006 23:26
Name: Kev
From: BPP
Sent: 21:34 GMT on 11 January
I've just blitzed this site - (above link)
Just type or paste in your comment, send it, click the back button and send it as many times as you want. Such fun while you're waiting for your microwave meal to cook.
What it like living on your Watmough, you sad loser? Maybe, now you've learned to use the microwave you can learn to use an iron you scruffy bastard, even a chimp could manage that.
John Oakes
From the look of him...
11.01.2006 23:37
11.01.2006 23:40
We've all heard the rumours about Tony's love of kids, and he did spend a lot of time living with paedophiles on his last prison sentence. Has he ever featured on 'Noncewatch'?
The BPP Leadership
11.01.2006 23:51
Old Hand
Nazi freaks fuck off!
13.01.2006 02:10
if you fuck with me i'll push you in a hedge
come back again i'll throw you off a ledge
to find your body, your pig friends will have to dredge.
Private Pile
more fascist websites
13.01.2006 17:17
In denial... they say it never happened!
13.01.2006 20:47
The above link (broken intentionally - cut and paste it into a browser then remove the space after the www.) seems to indicate that, in spite of clear evidence to show the nazis getting a pasting, that it didn't happen.
Some interesting stuff about their internal politics to those who can make use of this kind of thing, too.
Can anyone verify the picture posted by Black and Red of the nazi getting a kick to the head as being of the Leeds event, or is it taken from somewhere else?
Either way, top work.
13.01.2006 23:02
The photo I posted isn't from Leeds, it's actually quite a famous pic, you can even get the T-shirt if anyone is interested!
Black N Red
17.01.2006 19:18
I hope MBE have a tolerant insurance company and know a cheap glaziers, the fascists are bound to hit back.
R. Ealist
Broken Windows
18.01.2006 22:42
Red N Black
BPP Trash
20.02.2006 21:12
FAT sid, requires sexual favours.
Kevin Watmough without his HUNCHBACK
Watmoughs ex wife & child on his Blood & Honour web site.
As for Morrison well we all know him to be an informant to Searchlies and Police, he gets his personal bills paid for by whatever NAZI group will have him, if they refuse, off Morrison goes to cry and whine. Gets a car FREE, damn he wanted that brought out of party funds too.
Watmough hes another story, the hunchback himself has gone back to his "Estranged" wife EX supposedly divorced. Hiding from people he owes money to, let alone claiming housing benefit and not living at the property the benefit is paid for.
Dont forget all the three above are all on Social Security, Sid for being a PRAT cant hold a job let alone a hard on. Eddy for being an informer, alcoholic and FAT lazy git. Watmough claims Epilepsy, yet goes to the docs for the prescritions yet never takes the pills, gets called up to DSS asks if hes fit for work, provides paperwork from the doctor, (after telling doctor numerous lies) "Oh im still ill, I cant work coz im a lazy HUNCHBACK NAZI"
Fred Bloggs
Ade Brooks & Leeds meeting 2005
20.02.2006 21:27
Ade Brooks
Fred Bloggs
Ade Brooks
26.02.2006 23:06
26.02.2006 23:15
Info sought
26.02.2006 23:17
27.02.2006 16:39
The BPP have gone fucking mad!
28.02.2006 17:53
Check this out
28.02.2006 17:57
It's looking quite prophetic.
05.03.2006 13:56
03.04.2006 13:35
Nate James