Mail Boxes Etc - Accomodating the fascist BPP
BPP National Sectretary Kevin Watmough
the Nazi British People’s Party (BPP) - Suite 267 at 57 Great George
Street, Leeds LS1 3JA. This is actually a mailbox provided by a company called Mail Boxes Etc (UK) Ltd, who have provided addresses for, in turn, the White Nationalist Party, the Nationalist Alliance, and now the BPP. The company specialise in providing ‘prestige’ accommodation addresses for small businesses, though we doubt that too many companies would think it prestigious to be sharing an address with virulently racist Hitlerite nut-cases like the BPP.
Today’s picket was organised by The 635 Group, who are affiliated to the militant anti-fascist network Antifa (

Despite the minor disruption, more than 300 leaflets were given out during the protest, and the response from the general public could not have been better, with a number of people going into Mail Boxes Etc (MBE) to challenge the manager’s decision to continue providing the fascist BNP with a Leeds address. Several people who were collecting also said they would be cancelling their contract with MBE, rather than share an address with Nazis.
Recently MBE branches in both Belfast and Brighton have taken a welcome decision not to play host to fascists, but so far the Leeds branch have refused to reconsider their position, despite being shown documentation on the BPP and their fascist activities. In view of that the 635 Group will be organising further protests.
Please help to fight organised fascism in Leeds by contacting MBE:
Tel: 0113 242 8715

Why We Are Here
We are here today to protest about the continued provision of a mailbox at this address for the Nazi ‘British People’s Party’(BPP).
Who Are The BPP?
Until recently the BPP were called the White Nationalist Party, but because they cannot register such an openly racist name with the Electoral Commission, they changed it. Their politics however, have not changed, they remain a Nazi Hitlerite party with the most vile and repugnant views on Jews, Muslims, black people, gays, and the Holocaust. They use fascist insignia, give Nazi salutes, promote race hatred, and are virulent supporters of Adolf Hitler.
Kevin Watmough
The BPP mail is picked up by their National Secretary Kevin Watmough. A long-standing Hitler supporter who likes to wear Nazi regalia, Watmough, has numerous convictions for racial violence and for attacks on fascism’s ‘political opponents’. He is also responsible for setting up and maintaining race hate internet sites ‘Redwatch’ and ‘The White Nationalist Guestbook’, as well as the ‘Combat 18’ site and the BPP’s own fascist website. The language on these sites is so vile that reproducing it on a leaflet would break the law, suffice to say that they contain a level of racist hatred that would make decent people feel physically sick and wonder why the authors are not held in an institution for the criminally insane.
What About Free Speech?
Fascists like the BPP do not believe in ‘free speech’. Their Mailbox address is not used for philosophical discussion, it is used for organising race-hatred, promoting violence, and for selling Nazi merchandise. We are here today to expose the so-called British People’s Party for the hardline Nazis that they are, and to ask Mail Boxes Etc to terminate their contract with them as the company has already done in Belfast and Brighton.
This Leaflet is produced by The 635 Group, militant anti-fascists based in West Yorkshire and affiliated to the international Antifa movement. We exist to confront fascist ideas, activities, and organisations wherever and however they occur.
The 635 Group, c/o Antifa, Box 36, 84b Whitechapel High St, London E1.

Answerphone: 07913 024596
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