Nine Ladies Anti-Quarry Protest Camp, Derbyshire, Possession Court Order obtained Thursday 22/01/2004, papers served Friday 23/01/2004 - eviction now imminent!
Press release from the protestors: Eco Warriors send profits warning to Marshalls Plc - 6th February 2004 | Collection in Sheffield City Centre raises £75
Background: If Quarrying goes ahead, a 100m deep scar will blight a beautiful, and well loved landscape, to produce profit from the sale of building materials. The protest camp has been protecting the site since 1999 (history of the struggle). People are needed urgently to help with defences, and resist the eviction. Report and list of things needed at 9 Ladies.
Images: Photos (12 large images) | Nine Ladies Photo Gallery | Arial view of the site
Audio: Interview (mp3) and transcript
Video: rtsp:// | Download the video, real format
Nine Ladies web forum | Nine Ladies offical website (not updated since august 2003)
Nine Ladies Stone Circle
Monday 19th Jan, Papers were served, and they are in court for posession order on 23rd of Thursday. People urgently needed to sort out defences, and to be there if eviction follows shortly after. Climbers have and are being approached.
New site number - 07005942212 The official nine ladies website has not been updated since August 2003, so use the number above for up to date info.
About the campaign
Nine Ladies Under Threat
On 12 December 2003, the quarry company Stancliffe Stone submitted a scheme to the Peak District National Park Authority, PDNPA, for working the quarries at Endcliffe and Lees Cross. They want to extract 3.2 million tons of rock from a 12.95 hectare site within 100m of the Nine Ladies Stone Circle.
The resultant scar will be 100m deep, devastating the environment of this treasured site for ever. The quarry company have issued a statement in the local paper saying that they are going to begin the eviction process.
People who want to help are encouraged to write to the PDNPA and tell them why you are opposed to this development. (Note: public consultation is for the duration of January only):
The Peak District National Park Authority,
Aldern House, Baslow Road, BAKEWELL,
Derbyshire DE45 1AE
Tel: 01629 816200
Fax: 01629 816310
If you want to be on the phone tree (to be informed when eviction starts), please get in touch via the site mobile number: 0700 5942212
History of the camp
This camp was set up in 1999 to help stop the destruction of Stanton Moor hillside in the Peak District National Park, which is under threat from the re-opening of two dormat quarries. The quarries would have a disastrous impact on the Nine Ladies Stone Circle and local wildlife. Camp residents though have vowed to stay until the quarry plans are shelved.
Postal address:
Nine Ladies Anti-Quarry Campaign,
Lees Road,
Stanton Lees,
Near Matlock,
Derbyshire DE4 2LQ.
Tel: 0700 5942212
Further Resources
To find out about it's archelogical significance, and it use by local people for centuries check out:
- Excavations at Nine Ladies for English Heritage, November 2000
- Nine Ladies Stone Circle - heritage under threat
Previous articles on Indymedia:
- Nine Ladies Anti Quarry Protest Under Threat (20-01-2004)
- Nine Ladies Under Threat (11-08-2003)
- Illegal Eviction Threat (22-07-2002)
- Protester dies in hut fire (08-03-2002)
- Nine Ladies Anti-Quarry Update (04-11-2001) Includes Shockwave File
- Nine Ladies Campaign Update (01-09-2000) Include Real Video
Hide the following 11 comments
help from abroad??
24.01.2004 15:45
Good luck.
Fight On
25.01.2004 16:19
News from Nine Ladies
25.01.2004 21:11
If the eviction is successful, people intend to go to another site under threat and continue to fight against Stancliffe Stone. The mobile number for the site has been barred! Hopefully, there will be another number soon.
Some things are needed urgently:
Wood (beams, planks, plyboard, nails)
Scaffolding and clips, steel girders and sheet (plus bolts)
Concrete and reinforcing bar
Polyprop Rope (12, 10, 5mm)
Climbing stuff-harnesses, clips, ropes (Static especially welcome)
General woodworking and metal tools
Shovels, pickaxes, wheelbarrows
Bowsaws, Axes
Food (beer is good also - its cold and muddy out there!!)
Small packets of high energy food (dried fruit, chocolate, nuts – stuff like that is good for taking down a tunnel)
Outdoor clothing
First Aid equipment
People who can charge car batteries
Walkie talkies/intercoms
People who need telling…
The PDNPA – tell them why you are opposed to the development
Tel 01629816200 Fax 016290 816310 email
Secretary of State for the Environment and The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
To say that PDNPA should be given assistance in revoking the quarrying consent, as this is a national heritage and environment issue.
Ms Margaret Beckett, Secretary of State for the Environment, DEFRA, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, LONDON SW1P 3JR
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 26 Whitehall, LONDON SW1A 2WH
Tel 02079444400
Haddon Hall – to ask them to consider if they really need the money at such a huge environmental and cultural cost and to consider surrendering the consent
Lord Edward Manners, The Estate Office, Haddon Hall, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1LA
Tel 01629 812855 Fax 01629 653996 email:
Stancliffe Stone – register your disgust
Stancliffe Stone Co.Ltd
Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 4BW
Tel 01629 653859 Fax 01629 653996 email:
Marshalls – tell them what you think of their arrogance in using legal doublespeak to further their aims and tell them HANDS OFF THE PEAK DISTRICT
Marshalls PLC, Hall Ings, Sothowram, Halifax HX3 9TW
Tel: 01422 306400 Fax 01422 306407 Website:
And if you can…
Get to Nine Ladies, visit and take some stuff, stay if you can
The eviction will go ahead any day now. There is a rumour it will be this week but the weather might delay things.
Forgot to add...
26.01.2004 07:13
Also, this coming weekend (for people in Manchester) I'm going there again with other people from manchester social forum, if people have stuff they want to send and can't get it there, we can take as much down as the car can carry. Email me if you like.
26.01.2004 13:50
check here for another blue blood getting fat off the land:
- -
A Most Special Place
28.01.2004 08:05
Joe Watts
nine ladies
01.02.2004 23:48
May there be peace and harmony in this place in this land...
isma Wyne
Protection Ritual
06.02.2004 11:41
Bright Blessings to all of you up there and may The Lord and Lady be with you.
Blessed Be.
17.02.2004 16:14
I had a phone call from one of my ex squat pals, who is up a tree at the nine ladies camp yesterday - he was phoning from a harness watching the press below.
5 bailiffs had been caught on site, he said they had reached the inner sanctum of the camp posing as protestors/supporters, but some one sussed them out.
Press had been up there all day - local and national...and he said evictions were imminant, or at least, VERY near -
He rang me as a call to arms for more support - asking me as warband to put word out, so here I am...
I've sent word out, just hope it helps... "
sister warrior priestess
02.03.2004 21:48
"Peak Park are again inviting comments on the proposals, which should be received by mid-march.
"3 February 2004
Over the next four weeks the Peak District National Park Authority is inviting interested parties to comment on proposals to reopen quarries at Stanton Lees near Matlock.
Stancliffe Stone Ltd wants to restart operations at the quarries, which have not been worked for several decades. The Peak District National Park Authority’s planning control committee may need to consider the issue as early as the end of March.
This week the Authority launched formal consultations with parish, district and county councils, along with English Nature and English Heritage. The Authority is also seeking legal advice to clarify the current status of the site.
All interested parties can lodge their comments - in writing by mid-March - with the Planning Service,
Peak District National Park Authority,
Aldern House,
Baslow Road,
Bakewell DE45 1AE.
Copies of the plans have been sent to consultees including Stanton-in-Peak Parish Council, and are available for inspection at Aldern House.
The quarries are already covered by a planning permission, granted by the Government in 1952. The Authority’s role will be to determine a scheme of conditions for the quarries.
Chair of the National Park Authority's planning control committee, Councillor John Bull said: "This is a very sensitive site and the proposal to reopen the quarries is controversial. We have previously stated that we do not want them worked again due to their proximity to Stanton Lees and the scheduled ancient monument on Stanton Moor - however, we must examine the company’s proposals and take into account all of the consultation responses.
"There is also question over the status of the site – whether it should be considered dormant or active – and over the coming weeks we are seeking legal advice to clarify this point.
"Whatever the outcome of this legal issue people should be aware that it is not within our power to refuse permission for the quarries to reopen, as the site already has permission. Our role will be to approve a set of modified conditions for working the site in an appropriate way."
Planning officers met yesterday with a group of eco-protesters who discussed their concerns and handed over a petition opposing the reworking of the quarries."
Destruction of Nine Ladies area
28.04.2004 17:12
And before you get on your self righteous high horse consider that you are about to destroy a sacred site where the real and original spirituality of this ancient country has been worshipped for thousands of years before the current infatuation with a middle Eastern Shaman was ever dreamt up.
So what would happen if a mining company wanted the stone from beneath say Salisbury cathedral???? National outcry, if the idea ever made it to the public domain, which of course it wouldn't. (Incidentally I would fight to protect that too, cos I believe in the heritage of this country and most cathedrals are beautiful, and yes sacred.)
So before you consider the wanton desecration and destruction of an ancient site consider your own roots, this is your land, your history, your birth right sold out to greed. YOUR GREED.
Steve Bewers