just a little more subtle over
here.. but having spent time in northern i during the
late mid 1970s then being involved in the great strike
of 84 i watched what they did to us in northern i,
have done to us in grate strike of 84.. (20 years on
next year)
they gave us the freedom? to protest in london during
bush to give us the illusion we have the right to
all they're doing is waiting for the right moment..
this is why mass movements are no use..
we need to re-organise into cells of people we know
trust and have worked with for years and fuck shit
from there..
there seems little point in marching in ever
decreasing circles being preached at by the same old
boring whatever group..
now is the time to organise on the lines of the alf /
elf.. cause them economic damages.. with the simple
aim of not hurting/doing damage to animals or humans..
we do not support any harm to human animal life.. any
harm to our mother the earth.. if we are to see the
true emancipation of the people of iraq (and the
world).. then perhaps what happened here in sheffield
on the morning of the 19/20 november.. where it is
alleged upto 8 garages from esso and bp had some form
of damage done to them..
such economic damage is where it is going to cost
those who have helped in the murder of 21 thousand
plus iraqi people this year.. such damage is just the
same as their damage (except we do not harm any form
of life - be it human, animal or the earth) that is
being commited as the bombs fall on the people of iraq
on dec 25th as you eat your chosen dead animal / open
those presents of which no doubt some working class
person will have been exploited to give you the
pleasure of doing so..
you might have ended this week pleased with yourself..
pleased with what might i ask? i estimate since the
formation of the anti war coalition uk wide around 6
million plus has been spent on protest.. what have
those protest done? they have not stopped the 21
thousand plus iraqis who have been killed have they
comrades? they have not eased the pain of the us / uk
families who also have lost loved ones.. because of
this crass immoral war.. they have not ceased the
continued bombing of the people of afganistan, iraq?
not eased the rape torture of the same people..
as you sit down this christmas the prisoners in
guantanamo bay are still being beaten and tortued..
the homeless in london might have tempory shelter but
not the many thousands across the uk.. neither those
living in poverty here in the uk..
i feel the 6 millon plus spent on protest could have
been given to those in real need.. now we can all go
home plan our nice christmas with our loved ones etc..
meantime for some people of this world chritmas is
just another day of the same shit.. this is why i seek
the destruction of civilisation.. why i was not on the
anti war demo last saturday.. and when i did join for
a moment on wed all i witnassed was white middle class
privileged kids with their placards causing more
hassles for the working class of this city with their
sit down protest..
i watched as the police stopped a van and do them for
no tax etc.. this would not have happened if we had
placed our efforts into fucking shit up for those who
are aiding this war such as esso and bp..
the more we move from the mass movement to cells the
more chance we have in fucking shit up big time for
them.. it worked with the anti roads protest.. it
worked with the poll tax.. why do we delude ourseleves
that mass movements work?
is it not time we ceased with feeding our illusions
that mass protest works and dispand the sheffield stwc
and show by example to the rest of the uk?
...off shopping as i can not find my kids brother that
WMD he so desires..
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