"Know what it is yet, mate?????"
Yes we do! It's called Nazism"

Whenever they march, like Pegida UK, they are swamped by white supremacists wearing swastikas, SS symbols and making more Hitler salutes than the Nuremberg rally. Indeed, despite poor numbers at their events in Aus, the racist drongos of Reclaim insist in calling their far right gatherings "rallies", hoping to create little Nurembergs across the globe, 14-88, and all that fucked-up, tired and worn WR shit rehashed from yesteryear.
Even National Action don't like calling themselves racists any more. John Tyndall is turning in Hades, as these jackbooted wannabes prepare to strut their unfunky stuff across England, starting with the North East, ashamed to call a racist a racist. Just whatever happened to "white pride"??? Has it been slaughtered by the mythical dragon of "white genocide?" Reclaim Britain are aping the political correctness of Tommy "The Tit" Robinson, in pretending non-white people are welcome at their fascist marches, banking on legions of non-white Uncle Tom unicorns tagging along dutifully.
One thing is for sure, they had better prepare for having the piss ripped out of them. They will soon discover that, despite being mostly white in North-Eastern towns and cities, good neighbours (of all creeds) are always, quite literally, good friends. And that includes Muslims.
Whether the dregs of the Far Right turn up with cans of Fosters in their hands in numbers in the miserable drizzling Northern weather, is highly doubtful. They should be so lucky.
AND REMEMBER, FASH..... Pigs don't fly, but deadly bananas do!!!