Bruce Krasting - Hedge Fund Banker is Horrific Racist Troll
Krasting's Christian Fundamentalist Wibbles
Krasting Lives in New York, Pretends To Be British Woman
Like Alan Ayling AKA "Alan Lake", Krasting was in at the deep end of free market hedge fund banking. Like Ayling also, "Juliette" has been a cheerleader for the EDL and is a fundamentalist Christian with pro-Israel leanings. With twelve thousand followers on Twitter, Krasting ("Juliette") is an outspoken supporter of Israeli violence against Palestine, and yet, like so many fellow anti-Jihadist extremists, Krasting's hate tweets are motivated (as a non-Jewish person) not by a fundamentalist following of Judiasm, but rather, as a Christian devotee of the second coming of Christ, in a biblical fundamentalist doomsday theory known as the Rapture, a radical and destructive form of Christianity based upon scriptures in the writings in Second Thessalonians, Gospel of Matthew, First Corinthians and the Book of Revelation. The 777777s in @juliet777777, refer to the supposed "Seven Days of Tribulation" which Christian Bible literalists believe will result in the end of the world when all non-Christians will perish.
Krasting is linked to two interrelated Christian extremist blogs ran by his other alter-ego "Canadian Stan" where Krasting as himself, now and again pops up as guest commentator (see the screenshots and the links). One of these extremist Rapture theory blogs

As UKIP and EDL supporting "Juliette", and a friend of Tommy Robinson and Pamela Geller, Krasting lends ethical approval to the mass slaughter of Muslims, only approving of calls for deadly Anders Breivik-style gun rampages against Muslims (see screenshot). In a world dominated by an irrational fear of mainstream Islam, the former hedge-fund banker is motivated by a Christian extremist ideology just as destructive as anything devised by the diseased minds of the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS), a world view where everybody else on the planet who is non-white and refuses to believe in the second coming of Christ is ultimately destructible, including Atheists, liberal ecumenical Christians even, and in the end, all non-believers including Jews.
Whilst there is a rightly worldwide focus upon opposing fundamentalist Islamic beliefs, there is no such focus upon dismantling the mirror image of ISIS that is extreme Rapturist Christianity, and how such beliefs ultimately pose a considerable a danger to the supposed impartiality of the American government and military (especially if Donald Trump ever came to power). The FBI rate white terrorism as being far more dangerous than Islamic terrorism, and yet, governments and the media only see the mad mullah detonating the bomb, whilst turning a blind eye to the subtle, behind-the-scenes electronic radicalisation of white Christians by wealthy respectable white men set to an equally as deadly agenda.