Make the dodgers pay
Inside Starbucks Fargate, Refuge From The Cuts
Inside Starbucks Fargate, Refuge From The Cuts
Sheffield Town Hall meeting point Refuge From The Cuts.
Music Refuge From The Cuts
Giving a bit of a talk..
Pyramid mugging
I won't be taken for any old mug...
Coffee Stall Refuge From The Cuts
Front of Starbucks Fargate Sheffield
Consumer Power Works
It does do.
More people at the busiest free coffee stall in town...
Unite The Community Supporting Refuge From The Cuts
A bit of a showdown. But it all ended nicely...

This is how the protest was called:
It’s time for the government to wake up and smell the coffee.
Women have had enough of being attacked by a cabinet of millionaires. But there is a refuge from the cuts. Join us at Starbucks in Sheffield on Saturday 8th December to transform the tax dodger Starbucks into services women depend on, such as refuges and crèches.
On 5th December the Chancellor, George Osborne, will deliver his autumn statement, with even further spending cuts expected to be announced. Women are bearing the brunt of the cuts- particularly low paid women and their families. The government’s savage austerity plans are pushing the cause of women’s equality back decades as benefits, healthcare, Sure Start centres, childcare, rape and domestic abuse services are cut and female unemployment soars.
If the government took strong action to stop tax dodging by companies like Starbucks- who haven’t paid any income tax for the last three years- we could easily afford to prevent the £5.6m being cut from violence against women services, the 25% cut to funding for Sure Start centres and the further £10 billion benefit cuts.
Domestic violence in Sheffield increases at Christmas and during times of economic hardship. 230 women are turned away from UK refuges every day as a result of the government’s cuts to women’s services. Against a context of reductions in the childcare element of tax credits that have forced 25% of women in the lowest income tier out of work altogether, in Britain 3 million children are in poverty.
Enough is enough.
Do you work with vulnerable women and their families in Sheffield and South Yorkshire? Then why not turn our local Starbucks into a refuge? Bring your kids, because 50% of people living in refuges are children. Housing benefit cut? Bring your sleeping bags. Are you working fewer hours because subsidised childcare is a thing of the past? You could set up a Starbucks crèche...
Sheffield Uncut actions are creative and fun; we've even got 'Refuge from The Cuts' t-shirts for you to wear and 'Refuge from The Cuts' mugs to drink our special Sheffield Uncut coffee from! Plus there's chance to take part in a 'Christmas Lucky Triple (?) Dip': ideal if you want some cheeky little freebies in time for Christmas...
If anyone is nervous or has any questions, please get in touch by emailing

Please spread the news to everyone you know. We want as many women, men and children out as possible to show that we refuse to lose these services.
Bring your own coffee... see you on the high streets!
**This protest is a symbolic transformation of a space into a vital service being cut by the government. It is in no way a replacement service where those affected by sexual violence should come to access an official support service.
Those directly affected by these issues should go to:

Or call the Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247