Whether it's satellite photos, or walking through the dying woods, it's heart-breaking. Why are forests dying around the world?
I'm Alex Smith. I've covered climate change in so many Radio Ecoshock programs. Later in this program we'll talk to a key scientist, Lisa Ainsworth, about misplaced expectations that rising carbon dioxide levels will green the planet and feed billions more people.
But first we are going to ground with a citizen activist from New Jersey. Her trees, and all our trees, are weakened and dying from a much simpler cause: plain old pollution. The air looks cleaner, but all that industrial exhaust is still deadly to plants - and our lungs. Once you learn the tell-tale signs, you can see it in UK plants, and across Europe.
The trees are talking to us, but we just aren't listening.
CD Quality Hi-Fi mp3 here:

Australian Tree Death documentary here:

Gail Zawacki's "Wit's End" blog here:

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