It's hard to beat Chris Martenson for the big picture, where Peak Oil, climate and the crumbling economy all meet. A thought-provoking interview.
The problems should unwind over the next decade UNLESS a big solar flare hits us.
We could protect the electricity grid needed to keep nuclear power plants cooled (instead of melting down like Fukushima) - for less than 2 billion dollars in the U.S. Why don't we do it?
A big solar flare will come some day, as it did in 1921 and 1859, but we don't know when.
Download CD Quality version of 1 hour show:

Faster download, lower quality Lo-Fi

OK to copy or rebroadcast, with credit to Radio Ecoshock

Our fragile civilization, in a fragile ecosystem, is in trouble for rational reasons (more or less). Applying science and experience, we know what the problems are, and some of the solutions.
I challenge all those who threaten us with the Mayan calendar ending, or alien plots to destroy us. Sony Motion Pictures is promoting those fears for profit. No extra-terrestrial reptiles or channeled voices are required to explain our predicament.
Must we go back to Medieval superstition?
Why do so many people long to see "the end times"? Those of us with kids and grandkids are in less of a rush to see money wiped out, or species go extinct.
Let's end the crazy distractions and deal with real problems - while we still can.