The summer of resistance will be a summer of antics and opposition to Brighton’s very own peddlers of death. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!
We will be at Occupy Sheffield at 1pm and 7pm on Monday 14th November
Since 2004 Brightonians and thousands of supporters from around the world have demonstrated their rage at the factory through a variety of methods. Weekly noise demos, pickets, blockades, rooftop occupations, lobbying, street theatre, mass demonstrations and sabotage have all been used to pile pressure on EDO to leave. Despite being subject to a successful civilian decommissioning during Israel’s 2009 brutal assault on Gaza, the factory somehow clings on.
The summer of 2012 is the time for you to come and take action! We want you, your mates or your affinity group to come to the factory and express your outrage as creatively as you like. We welcome a diversity of tactics and no action is to big or too small. We will provide accommodation, support and advice wherever necessary.
How to get involved:
1.Talk to your mates/your group and think of ideas for action
2.Pick a date in the summer months of 2012
3. Email/call the campaign
07538093930 e-mail: