That is what many young people will be doing this October at Power Shift: coming together to build the youth climate movement and take action on issues surrounding climate change. Power Shift will bring together hundreds of young people in Salford, Greater Manchester, for a weekend of workshops, inspiring speakers and cutting edge bands. It will give them the skills, inspiration and knowledge to campaign and communicate around the youth climate movement, and transferable skills for use in other social action campaigns.
For more information and to book tickets (from £10) please go to

Following on from the success of Power Shift ’09

Organised by young people, for young people, the event aims to encourage collective ownership of our future, and make green jobs, a clean environment and healthy lifestyles a core part of it. Through a combination of talks, workshops, training and storytelling, young people will leave with the power and motivation to bring about real change.
Following Power Shift, these young leaders will have the opportunity to be part of a national effort to put pressure on the government to act to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.
With so much energy in the youth climate movement, and the resources and opportunities available to us today, there has never been a better time to tip the balance of the future in our favour. The time has come for us to demand change from those in power, and take up the challenge to make it happen ourselves.
Find out more about Power Shift and book tickets at our website