On hearing Coates was in prison, Shaw made enquiries in order to offer support only to find out his true identity and issued the following statement.
Yesterday I discovered that Miki Blueeyes is currently in prison and due to the fact he was one of our friends I contacted people in order to get his details so we could write and visit him.
He’s currently in prison for smashing his neighbours car and setting fire to for reporting him for drugs, excessive drinking and loud music. Due to the fact he has access to his young daughter social services were brought in and they have inform her mother that he has 14 pervious charges for sexual offences and has been using 4 different surnames in order to keep this from coming out.
This is the reason he isn’t allow access to his other children and why social services have told his youngest daughters mother that they have to have no further contact with him. I suggest anyone one his friends list remove him immediately and have no further contact with this sick man.
I don’t care about the reputation of the NWI, my main concern is the children of people on his friends list and of his friends. It makes me sick to know I have had this man in my house near my young children and I’m just relieved that I never left them in his care. Myself and the NWI will have nothing more to do with this animal and I hope you all heed this warning and keep him out of your lives.
After making further enquires about Miki the fact he is a sex offender was confirmed from 2 other people that knew him (they were informed recently) and it was also discovered that he wasn't has he said a Beeston born and bred lad. I was then given the 4 surnames he has used one being his real one Michael Coates and after searching the net I found this link.

Something else disgusted me yesterday was the fact that edl support group were more bothered about denying he was edl then warning people about this animal, the admin on that page should hang their heads in shame. He like the rest of us was edl first then NWI.
Coates has previously threatened to 'kidnap a paki' and douse him in petrol
This was not his first offence and this article was published on Children Have Rights website in March 2002. Coates was jailed in 2003 for acts committed five years previous after he had persuaded his victim to drop charges.
Children Have Rights is a controversial 'vigilante name and shame' anti paedophile website set up by EDL member Chris Wittwer who has recently been released from a stretch in prison for football hooliganism.
‘My living hell’ by sex attack victim
A teenager today told how she suffered a ‘living hell’ at the hands of a serial sex abuser.
The 18-year-old victim, who cannot be identified, said she suffers nightmares about her ordeal.
A teenage sex-abuse victim endured years of “inner torture” after she was persuaded to drop her allegations against her attacker, a Court heard.
Self-confessed child molester Michael Coates got sympathy for himself by falsely claiming that he too had been a victim of sexual abuse and the girl was pressured into not proceeding with her allegations against him.
It was only three years later when Coates was finally charged with a series of sex offences, including two attempted rapes, that he admitted his own sex-abuse story was a pack of lies.
Today the 23-year-old Bradford man was beginning a six-year jail sentence for the repeated abuse which he accepted had developed from “experimenting” as a ten-year-old boy into a habit.
Coates, now of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to a total of eight charges of indecent assault and two of attempted rape in relation to the first girl and a further four offences of indecent assault in relation to a second.
During yesterday’s hearing at Bradford Crown Court Coates’ barrister Jonathan Rose handed Judge Roger Scott a copy of a suicide note his client had written.
In it he described himself as a child molester and offered his apologies to the two girls for what he had done.
Jailing Coates, Judge Scott told him that he regarded him as a danger to children and highlighted the fact he had told a series of dramatic lies for his own purposes.
“That poor girl must have had a very, very long period of inner torture…she attempted to kill herself as I understand it,” he said.
He said it was a further aggravating feature of the case that Coates had used bribery through sweets, money and cigarettes in exchange for sexual favours.
In addition to the jail sentence, Coates will also have to register with the police as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
Prosecutor John Hitchen told the court that the first girl had suffered flashbacks and nightmares after deciding to drop the proceedings in 1998, but she eventually challenged Coates about what he had done in the autumn of last year.
Coates was arrested in October and made admissions in relation to the allegations made by the two girls.
Mr Rose conceded that Coates’ offending had turned into a habit and he was unable to stop himself until he reached the age of 19 in 1997.
He pointed out that since then Coates had not committed any further offences of a sexual nature.
“This is a very young man about to start a sentence for offences against children and through the duration of that sentence he will have no one….it’s going to be a very lonely and a very difficult time,” said Mr Rose.
His teenage victim said: “He knew what he was doing was wrong when I was telling him to stop, now it is too late. I think they should throw away the key.”
The teenager said she was given strength and support from her partner and his family after she explained her background which gave her the courage to go to the police.
“It is something I had to do and I came out feeling a great relief that hopefully he would be put away,” she said.
“It is really good to know that there is someone out there that cares and loves you and I have never felt so loved in my life – they are one in a million.”
The girl, who left school with no GCSEs, has now found an office job and is studying NVQs to further her career in administration.
She says working also helps to keep her occupied so she is not haunted by memories of her past.
She said: “I would say to other people to speak out. It helps when you have got support behind you to go and tell someone.
“Even if you don’t go to the police, go to a counsellor and talk about it and they might be able to help.”
Typicaly, despite running demos against Muslim child sex abusers, the English Defence League have denied that Coates is part fo the EDL reminicent of last year's cover up of child sex abuser and founder Richartd Price who leadership described as a 'political prisoner' when he was jaled for indecent images of children and cocaine pocession.
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