It brings to my mind Mozaz's blog, Underclassrising.net.
Mozaz passed away in January this year. The following is taken from an article he published in August 2010 (article entitled "The More Things Change…"):
"What could interrupt our obedience? Contemporary insurrectionists are attempting to ask this same question now, though the answers many of them offer are equally limited. By themselves, neither voluntary unemployment nor gratuitous vandalism seem to be capable of jerking society into a revolutionary situation. Despite everything, we stand by our initial hunch that it will take a new way of living to bring about such a situation; it’s not just a matter of putting in enough hours at the same old tasks. The essential fabric of our society—the curtain that stands between us and another world—is above all the good behavior of exploited and excluded alike."

Other writings belonging to Mozaz:

Mozaz passed away on 23rd January this year:

Mozaz's funeral (with mp3 recording of tributes and personal accounts of his rich life):

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