A scientist working for the US government who identified the link between polar bear deaths by drowning and climate change, has been suspended after a complaint from an unidentified source. This is thought to be a politically motivated suspension as oil companies are currently lobbying to drill in the Arctic next year.
Charles Monnett, a scientist working for the US government who co-authored a paper on increasing polar bear deaths (by drowning) as a result of polar ice melting (Monnett and Gleason 2006) has been suspended while his work is investigated. Numerous articles about this have appeared recently (search for 'Monnett investigation'), with the general consensus being that the suspension for possible 'scientific misconduct' is a thinly veiled attempt to discredit his work on the climate change threat; this coincides with oil companies pushing for permits to drill in the Arctic next summer.
Links to two articles below:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jul/28/arctic-scientist-polar-bear-oil Reference for the polar bear paper:
Monnett, C. and Gleason, J.S. (2006) Observations of mortality associated with extended open-water swimming by polar bears in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. Polar Biology 29: 681-687. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-005-0105-2