We don’t need much more proof that austerity is for workers not politicians, royals, greedy *ankers or bosses. We don’t need more proof th…at cuts are political, a matter of priorities (those of the rulers and big business) and money can be found for those priorities; nuclear weapons, tax breaks for the rich, royal weddings, the list could go on…
At the wedding there will be 1900 guests. These include the King (and dictator) of Bahrain, the King (and dictator) of Saudi Arabia, both responsible for countless atrocities against their people. Autocrats, millionaires and celebrities will be celebrating together. The poor, as usual, will be watching on.
Don’t get us wrong, communities getting together to take some time off work, relax and have a bit of a knees up we like. There are plenty of things worth celebrating such as strikes, victories against big business muscling in on public land and resisting the bailiffs. Parties we like; thieving parasites, on the other hand, we don’t. So we’ll take advantage of that bank holiday they’ve so generously given us and party like it’s 1968. Come on down to Western Park on the 29th April for a BBQ and Fun N’ Games (don’t forget to bring your coronation chicken!)
Strictly dinner dress.
If you have any suggestions for activities/events email: thefargatespeaker(at)gmail.com
We’d also appreciate any food/entertainment you can bring.