1. martin mayer unite branch sec sheffield bus workers unite national exec
- mp3 4.5M
2. marion lloyd, pcs
- mp3 9.4M
3. ben morris, right to work, nut
- mp3 10M
4. josh forstenzer, sheffield university nus president
- mp3 4.1M
5. bill greenshields, ex-president of the nut
- mp3 14M
6. resolutions / contributions from the floor, starting with a occupying student
- mp3 19M
Here is the audio from the meeting. there are of course the rousing speeches from the top table made with genuine fire, there was also the messy democracy bit after that as we tried get to grips with structure and focus. It remains to be seen how the alliance will opreate, orgainsie and act but there is a massive chance to turn this into the a total nightmare for the rulling class on the scale of the poll tax and more.
Keep an eye out for meetings, come along as everyone has speaking rights, talk and organise at work in, your neighbourhoods and at school.
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