The Really Open University invites you to ‘Re-imagine the University’, a three-day event dedicated to exploring and demonstrating an alternative educational system.
Download the programme here:

These are just some of the questions that will be explored in a series of free workshops, lectures, films, plenaries, installations and interventions across the city.
All events are free and open to everyone.
For a long time the university has been undergoing a process of privatisation. Universities are now run as businesses, with students as consumers and lecturers as creators of products. Knowledge has become a commodity that can be bought and sold.
The recent Browne report exacerbates the threat to education with proposals to increase student fees to £9000 a year, while universities face funding cuts of 40%.
All this results in students taking on more debt for the same education, lecturers being forced to carry out ‘economies exercises’ and staff working longer and harder hours for less money.
It doesn’t have to be like this.
Another University is Possible
The university system is becoming bankrupt and in need of profound change, we need to envisage an alternative, a solution, a way out.
As workers and students at different places within the university system, The Really Open University can see a different way forward, we don’t have all the answers, but we have many ideas and are sure there are many more out there.
We would like to explore how universities can become a place where creative and critical thought is fostered, where participants teach what inspires them, learn what they are passionate about, where people share and develop their skills and knowledge in order to create a more equitable and sustainable world, not simply for jobs and profit.
The Really Open University calls on YOU - students, lecturers, university staff and local residents - to come together and demonstrate that another university is possible.
It is time to Re-imagine the University.
Download the programme here:

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