Check out the video (and share widely!):

Saturday 20th November
Meet at 12noon at the top of Stanhope Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, for a march to Monument then a rally where there will be an open platform for all anti-racists, West African drummers and speakers including:
* Dashty Jamal from the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees
* A member of the All African Women's Group at Crossroads Women's Centre, who took part in the hunger strikes in Yarls Wood Immigration Detention Centre in 2009
* Jimmy Warne from UNITE the Union, Newcastle Central branch
* Also speakers from Black Women's Rape Action Project, Congo Support Project, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!, Govanhill Defence Campaign, North East Campaign for Asylum and Refugee Rights, Palestine Action Group, The Unity Centre Glasgow and Women Asylum Seekers Together.
Check out the video (and share widely!):

Racism is on the rise, with increased attacks on Muslim people, government cuts set to hit black and Asian people the hardest, immigration controls being stepped up and the rise of the racist EDL. With Muslim demonstrators harshly sentenced for demonstrating in support of Palestine, and students demonised in the last week as "mindless thugs" for taking action against education cuts and fee increases, there is an urgent need for solidarity and a pro-active demonstration which will build links between different groups. We need this NOW, before the cuts really hit home, when the scapegoating of migrants and refugees as the cause for the lack of jobs and unavailable houses will get even worse.
For up to date information check out the facebook event at:

Justice for Immigrants! Freedom for Refugees!
Together we are Stronger!