It is with some sadness that I draw Indy Media's attention to the presence of a known fully paid up member of the BNP named Paul Eason also known as Baldrick who finds favour amongst an alumni of ex Hawkwind members (remember they had the hit Silver Machine in 1972) in particular with one Alan Davey who was the bass player in Hawkwind from 1984 to 2007 Eason is a aggressive thugs who hails from the Canterbury area of Kent and is a known harasser of eastern European migrant workers in the area.Eason holds a national security doorman's licence and has acted as the backstage manager at the 2008 sonic world festival held in Ripley Derbyshire and the 2009/2010 Sonic Rock Solstice's.He has roadied for the Hawklords (a collection of ex Hawkwind members) Davey's band Gunslinger and Davey's other band Pre Med.Eason is on both Davey's myspace and facebook page friend lists.It would appear that Davey holds very similar views on race asylum and immigration to those of Eason as could be seen from a thread that appeared on Davey's facebook wall concerning the Floods in Pakistan.
Eason is seen pictured here with BNP leader Nick Griffin Davey is also pictured here in typical onstage pose.
Eason's face book and myspace page links are!/baldrickeason Alan Davey's facebook and myspace page links are!/profile.php?id=100000834374894&v=wall
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