Labour controlled Rotherham Borough Council will be cutting 30% of its budget over the next 3 years, which means job losses, already the council has shed some 340 jobs over the last 3 months. Kimber also says that democratically elected councillors will have to lose their 'paternalistic' attitude and that any resisters to the cuts are would be 'terrorists'.
So if your planning any demos against these cuts expect to be policed as if you are terrorists as Kimber's remarks clearly show, what the attitude of authority will be to anyone defending their jobs or anyone who might think that it should be the bankers who got us into this state of affairs who should carry the burden and not the poorest in society.
Kimber had attended a Chatham House rules meeting where he was told by Whitehall mandarins what the ConDems were proposing. Clearly again the Voluntary sector and 'Social Enterprise' are being looked to to provide services that local government usually supply, and this shows what the 'Big Society' really represents a further widening in the gulf between the rich and poor and a continuation of Corporate creep into the privatisation of Government in a way Mussolini would be wetting his pants in anticipation over.
Be a 'terrorist'
Fight the Cuts
This is a 'bitter class war'
Zoltan K. Thompson
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