Screening of “The Greatest Silence” – rape in the Congo, current situation for women in the DRC. (NB this film shows graphic footage which you may find distressing, 18+ yrs only)
Followed by…launch of Odette Sefuko’s campaign against deportation.
The Greatest Silence

And the films website is here:

There is a online petition against the deportation of Odette Sefuko you can add your name to here:

To: UK Home Office Secretary
ODETTE SEFUKO is from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). She came to claim asylum in the UK because her life was threatened. She was imprisoned, tortured and raped for trying to help women who had been raped and because she is Bunyamulenge; an ethnic group that have been persecuted in DRC for many decades. Many of Odette’s family have also been murdered. Odette is seeking asylum under the 1951 UN Convention on the Status of Refugees. The Appeal case has been refused, and is now being reviewed in the European Court of Human Rights. The Home Office do not accept that Odette is Congolese, despite reputable evidence. They want to send her to Uganda, where she might face imprisonment, torture, rape or death. Please sign if you wish to support this campaign.
Dear Home Secretary, we, the undersigned are concerned citizens who strongly object to the unjust refusal of Odette Sefuko’s asylum claim and demand you reconsider your decision and offer her protection from arrest/rape and/or murder by not deporting her to Uganda or DRC and granting her leave to remain in the UK
The Undersigned