Family Fuel Busters Fun Days
February half Term
17th-20st Feb 2010
Free activity sessions for families. Come to the Energy House and take part in environmental activities, have a go on the human power station, play energy centre bingo, follow the Energy House trail, make badges and design posters.
The Family Fuel Buster project aims to help people who are struggling to keep their homes warm and pay their bills. SYEC Staff can give advice on insulation, energy saving and help to access grants and free insulation schemes.
The Energy House at Heeley City Farm
25 Alexandra Road
S2 3EE
Contact Vicky Moore
0114 3039981 extn 2
The South Yorkshire Energy Centre is and eco refurbished terraced house on the site of heeley city farm. It is a visitor display centre and staff can give advice on Renewable energy, sustainable building and energy efficiency. Free entry- open Wed- Sat 11am-3pm
Thank you