Peter Davies, The Mayor of Doncaster
Floor 1
Council House
College Road

Telephone: 01302 862225
Fax: 01302 862232
This is the letter we received from the council………
Thank you for your recent correspondence in respect of the Earth Centre. The Mayor, Peter Davies, has asked me to respond on his behalf.
Please be assured your continued interest has been noted and I would advise you that the Council has received a number of other expressions of interest. These parties, like you, are also keen that a resolution is reached enabling a move forward. As you will be aware the Council is currently reviewing potential options for the future of the site and will be asking for expressions of interest in the site shortly. All interested parties will be contacted and asked for further details of their proposals.
Whilst writing I would mention that I am aware of your Freedom of Information request which I can also confirm is receiving attention. In addition I am also aware of your recent requests to run an educational workshop for the community on the site and to also pick Ginko leaves. Unfortunately these requests are declined as the Council is unable to permit open access to the general public due to security and indemnity insurance considerations.
I hope this explains the current position and answers your queries.
Yours sincerely,
S Cardwell, Assistant Director – Regeneration
And our response is………………………………………………..
Dear Mayor, Scott, Pauline, whom it may concern,
All we want is to pick some leaves at the front entrance why is that such a difficult task when you allow people with pretend guns to run amock all over the children’s play areas and all over valuable plant life and wildlife spots. The Local Police and your own Neighbourhood Management team offered to help surely this would be sufficient security if you really are concerned.
Scott and The Mayor, I understand that you are new to the earth centre and may not have experienced its value to the community and nature as a whole. If we consider that together we need to raise awareness of Agenda 21 from the Rio Earth Summit of 1992 which is as poignant now as ever, it was the precursor to the Kyoto Summit, focusing our minds towards the important decisions to be made in Copenhagen Summit, this December ‘09. These meetings of world leaders are the evidence that we all need to make changes to the way we live our lives in order to sustain our environment and protect the lives of future generations, animals and our earth. We see the earth centre as a world class environmental facility for all to utilise and enjoy. We want this facility open particularly in South Yorkshire as the area has high unemployment, very low average income, racial tension along with drug and alcohol problems and displaced youth. We think that it can make a difference here the most and it already has a connection with the area. Following our research especially over the last year it is apparent that South Yorkshire does not have sufficient facilities for alternative education and skills. The area has been hit by climate change very recently and many people were affected, they were mostly reliant on local authorities to respond and it is clear that people require knowledge of alternative methods of living that can impact less on the environment and save money.
We request on behalf of the community and the wider world that is aware of the reality of climate change and its social implications, that you hold a public meeting to discuss the future of the earth centre a multimillion pound project paid for by public funds with clear aims to be used as an educational facility for the community.
The public expect a response!