Please now object by
Step 1 Going to the Council web site by copying and pasting this link into your browser.

Step 2 Select whether you are 'local resident' or 'live outside area'
Step 3 Click 'submit comments' button and follow the instructions from there.
The deadline is 13th October. Here is some sample text that you are welcome to use. If you have time to write your own personal letter this may be more effective.
I object to the planning application to install ticket barriers at Sheffield station for the following reasons:
1. Public access. Sheffield station is an important historic listed building, which deserves to remain open to the public. the proposals would fundamentally alter its character, the barriers, screens and cctv would not be in keeping with the architecture of the building. They would break up spaces and floorscape of the public areas and restrict peoples movement, all important to the appreciation and enjoyment of the station. All these things would significantly reduce public use.
2. Safety and security. The station footbridge is a safe secure and accessible route from the tram stop into the city centre forlocal people and residents. East Midlands Trains would be forcing people to use a badly lit, inaccessible and unsafe footbridge that would risk public safety.
3. Breaking up Sheffield's integrated transport. Ticket barriers would remove the direct link between the tram and the train station, creating inconvenience for passengers. Train users would have to arrive at the station much earlier to buy their tickets before travelling. This would add to the existing queues and congestion.
4. Barriers put the interests of a private company, ahead of the public interest. East Midlands Trains' profits should not be put before the public interest. EMT should protect their revenue by putting more ticket inspectors on trains, not by punishing Sheffield residents.
You can view the application on the Council website RASC feels that the submission disregards the huge level of public concern and anger which has been expressed since the beginning of this process. It is also misleading and of poor quality, with various factual errors. All the organisations it claims to have consulted have in fact objected to the barriers.
If you prefer to write, quote the reference 09/02887/LBC to Howard Baxter, Sheffield City Council Planning Division Howden House 1 Union Street Sheffield S1 2SH.
When you have written your objection please forward this to your friends and ask them to join the group. Apologies if you get this more than once.
Best wishes
Graham Wroe
Press Officer, Residents Against Station Closure