According to the Grand Theatre, Brown is “as popular as ever.” In fact his audience is (thankfully) declining. Brown’s response to that has been to use more and more racist material to appeal to his waning audience of die-hard bigots. This was shown in a recent Channel 4 programme: ‘Britain’s Rudest Comedian’. The Grand tell us that Brown has been “branded too rude for television.” It is not because he is rude that Brown is offered no TV spots, but because he is an unpleasant racist and misogynist, telling unfunny “jokes” that any decent person would find crude and offensive.
Here’s the world according to the stupid bigoted idiot (the man is so thick he thinks Muslims believe in reincarnation!):
On “Political Correctness”: “Us comedians now, we’ve got to be careful what we’re saying. We can’t say Shiite, Muslim, Asian, we can’t say that. Catholic, Protestant, Jehovah’s Witness. Before long you won’t be able to go in the corner shop and say, “There’s your paper money, you fucking Paki bastard!”
On Black people: “I’ve got a black friend called Russell and he was pissed off when they took the golliwog off the Robertson’s jam jar. He were using it as a bus-pass!”
On Asians: “I’m down the Paki shop yesterday...Now I know this is not “Politically Correct.” Sorry. I’m down the Paki shop...Well it doesn’t sound right does it, curry-smelling coloured immigrant fucking retail...especially if you’re calling one a bastard.”
On asylum-seekers: “I mean if these asylum-seekers want to come here, bring your tents and your camels, set up in Trafalgar Square, clean the place up a bit, eat a fucking pigeon.”
On Iraq: “So what has Iraqi freedom meant to you then, is your petrol cheaper does your lager taste better, I’m talking to the lads now, are you getting more pussy than you can handle? They’re as thick as shit! We’re at war with a country where everybody’s called ‘Amid’...We’re at war with a country that believes in reincarnation. There’s no such fucking thing, otherwise I’d now be Catherine Zeta Jones’ fucking Tampax!”
On Islam: “Was I away, was I on holiday, when this didn’t become a Christian fucking country anymore, when somebody else took over? You can’t wear a small cross round your neck. What does BA stand for, Bastard Atheist? What the fucking Hell’s going on? I was travelling through Blackburn the other day and I had the local radio on. Sisters, you, if you want to cover your faces up with your burkhas, you cover it up, you have rights. Well they did have rights ‘til you cunts took it off ‘em. You see any Indian or Pakistani woman, she has to walk behind her husband in the supermarket. I mean what’s this about covering your face up, if it was the Ku Klux Klan we’d fucking arrest ‘em straightaway? Same thing, just a different fucking coloured sheet isn’t it? Alright, you put a balaclava on tomorrow and go in the post office or the bank, see how long you last!...If you want to go back to the 16th Century join fucking Islam!”
Finding this sort of gutter “humour” is not difficult for those who doubt Brown’s racism, his fans have posted it all over YouTube. See the following links just for starters:

This is the sort of material that Brown will be bringing to The Grand, who are no doubt busy selling tickets to his sick racist fans.
Leeds is a city with a diverse ethnic population, who for the most part live harmoniously together. We do not need to have the sort of vicious racism Brown propagates imported into our city by The Grand Theatre. The days of “P*ki-bashing” and golliwog “jokes” should be long over, and asylum-seekers already get enough flak without being denigrated further by an ignorant racist on stage at The Grand. If racism is unacceptable on the STREETS of Leeds, as we believe it is, then it should also be unacceptable in the THEATRES of Leeds.
Let The Grand (and the press) know what you think:
The Grand Theatre, 46 New Briggate, Leeds, LS1 6NZ.
Box Office: 0844 848 2708

Leeds Grand Theatre Board of Trustees includes Cllr John Procter (Chair), Cllr John Harrand, Cllr Robert Gettings JP, Cllr Adam Ogilvie, and Cllr Steve Smith.
Where’s ‘Chubby’ Brown spending Halloween? Next to Bernard Manning hopefully.
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