WHERE: Meet near the strange phonemast-like sculpture thing outside Manchester OXFORD ROAD Station.
VENUE: BBC Headquarters, Oxford Road, Manchester
WHEN: Sunday 18th January, 12pm -> ~4pm

CONTACT: Email - team at dfey dot freedomdreams dot net


Notes from the last meeting:

=== Meeting ===
Again, we have switched venues! This time however, hopefully we have a permanent place with good facilities. As I understand, via the BBC we will have not shortage of quiet space, power, wifi and a projector!
Due to because it's not fun to have to walk around a strange city on your own, even if it is just a few steps, I suggest we meet at Manchester Oxford Road train station at about 12pm (look for geeks, laptops, t-shirts, signs saying "DFEY", stickers etc.) Once everyone has arrived, we will then move on to BBC building just down the road.
We aim to have finished by about 4pm and to have left the building by 4:30.
=== Sign Up ===
The BBC has insisted I give the a list of all participants by early Friday Morning, please do your best either sign up below, or email us so we can let them know.

If you think a contact number might be helpful on the day, email us and we will sort one out :)
=== Contact ===
Please join our *low traffic* mailing list for updates:

or use the forum interface:

We also are on IRC for questions and socialising at:
#dfey on irc.freenode.net
There is also a web interface if you haven't mastered IRC yet:

=== About DFEY-NW ===
DFEY-NW (Digital Freedom in Education and Youth) is a group formed in response from a growing need in the Northwest of England for a group to encourage and promote young people's involvement with the free software community by creating a social space to make it more comfortable for young people to get involved with GLUGs and FSUGs.