Bearing this in mind, when we read the BPP claim they managed to turn out a “handful” of BPP “members and supporters” on Rememberance Sunday (when they generally turn up to some out of the way war memorial), one really does have to wonder what the true figure was. Perhaps, as with their Leeds ‘demo’ they inflated the figure by including children they hid behind, or even octogenarian fascist Frank Walsh’s shopping trolley! Perhaps BPP Gruppenfuhrer Kate McDermody even brought along one of her cats!
As previously predicted by Antifa, it did not take long for the tentative alliance between the BPP, various would-be paramilitary groups, and elements of the National Front to fall out. Following Tony White’s arrest, the ‘hard-men’ of the so-called ‘Racial Volunteer Force’ and the ‘British Freedom Fighters’ gave the Leeds BPP demo second thoughts, and were consequently derided as “cowards” and “wankers” by the BPP (who bravely stood behind 200 cops.) Perhaps these shaven-headed numbskulls had finally woken up to the fact they were simply being used and manipulated by McDermody and her BPP sidekick, Kevin Watmough, who had (as usual, and much like the UAF/SWP) been calling for “unity”.
For the moment at least, the BPP have realised that the game is up with their version of “unity”, issuing a statement severing all ties with their former allies, while sucking up to groups they have worked with in the past (but more recently slagged off), such as the miniscule ‘England First Party’, and even the BNP’s Nick Griffin! The BPP really must be desperate, and nothing shows that more than the name put to this statement, Eddie Stampton, who is now apparently their ‘National Organiser’! If Stampton, an inveterate liar with a sordid reputation, has been promoted to this position, the BPP really must be desperate. How much longer they can hide behind bluster and outright lies, without finally throwing in the towel, remains to be seen, but there’s an old antifascist adage: “Never hit a Nazi when he’s down...Kick him, it’s easier!”
Antifa report on the BPP’s Leeds ‘demo’:

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