For those who followed the story about Artem Leibenthal getting suspended and poss. expelled for non violent protest, he has sent me a statement on the matter via my blog.
Basically, they caved under pressure. In order to expel him at a hearing, they would have to clearly state his crime. They obviously couldn't do that, especially with the outside world taking an interest.
Here's the statement:
The college’s attempt to hold a hearing to expel Artem without telling him what he was charged with collapsed on Monday. When challenged the college was forced to admit it had no right to bully a student out of their education. The hearing has now been postponed until the college can put together a real case.
The college has given no reasonable explanation for the punitive measures Artem has suffered. Evidence of Artem’s “gross misconduct” amount to not removing a t-shirt reading "Newcastle College SWSS" questioning an Army representative and sending a text message inviting someone to join the anti-military campaign. This in the college’s eyes was enough to justify punishment usually reserved for students who are accused of violent behaviour.
The college’s reluctance to put such evidence down on paper is understandable - their disproportionate response is not. We are asking the college to drop the charges against Artem and lift his suspension. All students have the right to voice their opinions however inconvenient to the college management.

What else you can do...
1) Email to complain to the college

2) Email Artem in support