Around fifteen SAN members took part in the action, which involved locking onto the recruitment centre doors and preventing access. Activists held a banner reading "100% need not apply", and gave out literature exposing the realities of life that working-class kids can expect to face in the military.
We also attempted to make the basic case that working-class people in Britain have more in common with working-class Iraqis, Afghanis and Iranians than we do with the bosses, politicians and officers who would send us to kill them.
Although some passers-by were hostile, several expressed support for the action and a couple of ex-squaddies were particularly enthusiastic in agreeing with the content of our leaflet.
Hundreds of leaflets were distributed and the action caught the attention of the local media.
The police maintained a sustained presence throughout the day - including constant filming of activists - but ramped up their intervention after a few hours by deploying several riot-vans full of coppers to the scene. Eventually, activists were outnumbered two to one and were left powerless as we were dragged off one by one before the activists who had locked-on were eventually removed and arrested.
SAN obviously intends to support them through the court process and will continue to initiate and support class-focused direct action in Sheffield over the coming months. To get in touch, email

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