For the first time in years, we will be marching in Huntingdon Town Centre, and then on to the infamous Huntingdon Life Sciences torture centre at Alconbury, on Saturday November 10th.
***Meet 11am, Huntingdon Town Centre, at Riverside Rd Car Park. After a march round the town, we will be getting back into vehicles and moving onto HLS labs.***
Recent attempts to revive HLS' share dealings have fallen flat, as more and more companies have quickly got rid of their shares, following demos and action alerts. Still only around 2% of HLS shares are currently being traded, and the company is desperately trying to reschedule debts to stay afloat.
It is UK tax payers who are in effect currently paying for 500 animals to be tortured to death each week inside HLS labs, something we will be highlighting in Huntingdon on November 10th.
Please keep November 10th free, and start making travel plans now for this most important demonstration. Coaches and minibuses will be arranged from around the country, more details to follow.
Please contact us also if you can distribute flyers to advertise the event.
In the meantime, please keep up the pressure by supporting shac demos in your area and by contacting the companies helping to keep this disgusting company in business.

0845 458 0630'
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