The wikiscanner is a tool that identifies which organisations have been editing which wikipedia pages from their IP address. Of course the same organisations and employees who have been exposed propagandising could do so safetly anonymously or from home, but it is interesting what they have been caught lying about so far. When you identify propagandists you learn from what they propagandise about.
The sole exchange on IMUK so far is also intersting. Kurt Nimmo wrote about it in a blog reposted here prompting an interesting comment from 'citpecs'. [

Kurt Nimmo > It would appear Wikipedia ... is indeed an intelligence front, yet another puzzle piece of a sprawling, comprehensive, long-term, and quite effective propaganda effort.
citpecs > So are you saying the CIA or other similar organisations should be banned from Wikipedia? First Amendment, Kurt.
Nimmo is wrong to describe wikipedia as an intelligence front. The proof it isn't is that wikipedia has always published the IP's of contributors in the hope that somebody would one day expose the changes made by the CIA and other nefarious organisations and corporations.
Rather it is a battlefront in the war between information and disinformation.
More importantly though, Citpecs response is telling - who could possibly defend CIA propaganda as being enshrined under the First Ammendment ? Surely only someone from the CIA or a sister organisation. The First Ammendment is intended to protect US citizens free speech and free press from the goverment. The CIA lies on wikipedia are a direct state contravention of both free-speech and free-press. Citpecs posts here have to be viewed with the same suspicion as any other defender of the CIA propagandists even if he is just a deluded right-winger. And if he is a just a deluded right-winger, this is an odd website to post. A quick Scroogle shows what Citpecs posts about - generally defaming 911ers along with a smattering of other pro-establishment causes.
If I am right about Citpecs, then the fact the security services are trying to discredit 911ers is perhaps the best evidence that the 911ers are onto something - or else why discredit them ? I don't think the exposed wikipedia edits tell us much except security services disinfo campaigns simply because I credit them with more intelligence than to expose themselves too much. So the fact the "9/11 conspiracy theories" wikipedia page was deleted by someone from US Homeland Security perhaps indicates less about that agencies PR than about the sort of people it employees who are stupid enough to engage in vandalism from their Departments PC.

Perhaps - but would you give the same benefit of the doubt to the Turkish Treasury employee who deleted the article on the Armenian genocide ? Or the Diebold deletion of all criticism of Diebold ? Or the Exxon and the Union Carbide deletions of criticism of them ?
Certainly a CIA edit which claims that fewer people died in the US invasion of Panama cannot be explained as anything other than agency propaganda designed to violate the First Ammendment. And to invoke their right to do so under the First Ammendment is to imply states and corporations have equal rights to citizens. That such a scurrilous argument could be made on IM indicates the same organisations that propagandise on wikipedia also propagandise here.
So here is a crazy prediction for you. The same people who smear others as conspiraloons who distract from the peace movement are about to start smearing Robert Fisk simply for talking publicly about his doubts. In doing so they will be rubbishing one of the most credible and long standing anti-war journalistic bodies of work available to the peace movement. I still have no informed opinion about the truth of 911. I do know for a fact that the people who are about to smear Fisk will be proving themselves to be what they claim to condemn - a damaging distraction from the peace movement.
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