Abu Deghayes and Jackie Chase - How the "War on Terror" Terrorises the Innocent - mp3 34M
Jackie Chase, Abu Bakr Deghayes and Jillian Creasy
Moazzam Begg from Cage Prisoners ( http://www.cageprisoners.com/ ) was unfortunally unable to attend due to illness, in his place the short film, Omar Deghayes: the search for justice was screened, you can watch and download this film here: http://parsleyproductions.blip.tv/file/139884/
Attached is a audio recording of the meeting from 2%Human which starts with the introduction from Jillian Creasy, one of the two Sheffield Green Party ( http://www.sheffieldgreenparty.org.uk/ ) Councillors, the recording misses out the film screening and then has Jackie Chase followed by Abu Bakr Deghayes and finally questions and contributions from the floor.
For further information see:
Save Omar Deghayes
Campaign against Criminalising Communities
The National Guantanamo Coalition