Wednesday 20 June, 7pm 'After Blair-- breaking with Bush's Endless War'
With Guest speakers:
Craig Murray (former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan)
Rose Gentle (Military Families Against the War)
Andrew Murray (National Chair Stop the War Coalition)
Quaker Meeting House, James Street, Sheffield.
Craig Murray: After Blair -- breaking with Bush's Endless War
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Craig Murray: After Blair -- breaking with Bush's Endless War
Tony Blair is standing down as Prime Minister in large part because he has been forced out by the anti-war movement. His blind support for George Bushʼs wars in the teeth of public opposition, the exposure of his lies about weapons of mass destruction and the disaster of the occupation of Iraq, all wrecked his political reputation. It was revulsion against his backing for the Israeli attack on Lebanon last summer that finally forced him tobring forward his departure date.
Now we need a change of policy, not just a change of leader. We need the new Prime Minister to break with the disasters of Blairʼs foreign policy. It means:
* withdrawing all troops from Iraq
* ending the occupation of Afghanistan
* saying no to any attack against Iran
* pulling out of the reckless ʽStar warsʼ project
* supporting justice for the Palestinian people.