Following is an email sent to the Linux users lists in Sheffield:
Sheffield on the OpenStreetMap
Sheffield on the OpenStreetMap
we're building a map of the world. We're doing this because it's fun and
most maps arn't Free. There's also a lot of politics about the Ordnance
Survey being a state owned private enterprise that stifles competition.
We have something like 5,000 users and have been going over 2 years.
Lots more can be found on our wiki and mailing lists.
We would like to run a 'mapping party' In Sheffield in March (24/25).
This means a lot of people coming in with GPS units and mapping (or
helping locals map, training and GPS units given) the area. It's a very
social and fun activity.
We map by walking/driving/cycling around with GPS units and noting down
things like road names and pub locations. We build the map using open
tools and sharing this data on a central server.
I spent Christmas in Sheffield and mapped what I like to think is a
large chunk of Crookes. It almost killed me going up and down some of
those hills. You can see it on our map if you use the 'WMS-C' layer (top
right blue tab thing) in our map[*]. It might take a week or two more
for things to filter down in to that map but you can see the stuff I had
done by Boxing Day. We'd like to get the rest, it's our goal to get the
whole UK done by mid 2008.
Not being in Sheffield I need some help (I hope you'd come along anyway)
organising this from afar. We have a wiki page for the event that
specifically needs help with
* venue recommendations - good, cheap, central locations that (if at all
possible) have wifi for pub lunches. Also for Saturday evening meal. If
there is a hall or something you know of we could use - all the better.
* Sheffield description and press release. There's a release linked off
the wiki that needs hacking to make it Sheffield-specific.
* Outreach. Who should the release be sent to (local papers etc) and
what other groups (like sheflug, universities etc) there should be
So, hope this of interest and you can help out :-)
[*] OSM

