To mark the opening of the Centre we are delighted to host to Prof David Harvey, one of the best known critical theorists in the world and author of works such as The Limits of Capital; the Condition of Postmodernity and Spaces of Hope. More details on Harvey can be found here:

His talk which is entitled 'Social Justice and the City' takes place in Lecture Theatre B63 of the Law and Social Sciences Building on the main campus of Nottingham University from 5-6.15pm on THURSDAY 7th December. this is followed by a reception open to all in the main foyer.
There is great interest in this event, so to avoid disappoinment please email us letting us know you are coming so we can reserve you a place - otherwise places are first come first served.
This is a genuinely OPEN event - You do not need an affiliation or connection to the University - everyone is welcome to attend!
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