(see below)
'British Gas customers face higher bills
Mark Tran
Thursday December 29, 2005
Consumers are facing higher energy bills next year because of a steep rise in wholesale prices, British Gas warned today.
The company said it was paying 37% more for gas supplies and 30% more for electricity than in 2004.
Mark Clare, the managing director of British Gas - a subsidiary of Centrica - said high wholesale prices for gas were certain to have a knock-on effect on bills next year. '

but some rebates available....
Perhaps to atone for the obscene price rises the gas companies are enforcing, (though more likely to get some good PR) British Gas, along with two other gas providers, had decided to provide a £60 "rebate" to some of its' poorer customers.
If you're in receipt of any of the following benefits then you may qualify for this rebate:
Vulnerable Customer - Eligible Benefits
-Disability living allowance
-Pension Credit
-Attendance allowance
-War disablement pension which includes either a mobility supplement or constant attendance allowance
-Disablement pension which includes constant attendance allowance
-Child tax credit where the relevant income is £14,600 or less
-Working tax credit where the relevant income is £14,600 or less
-Council tax benefit
-Housing benefit
-Income-based job seekers allowance
-Income support
-Carers Allowance
-Severe Disability allowance
You should have received notification with your gas bill of this scheme, but if you didn't then YOU MUST CLAIM BEFORE DECEMBER 31ST TO QUALIFY FOR NEXT YEAR'S "REBATE"..
To claim call 0845 602 2008 with your account details/gas bill "customer reference number" (at the top right-hand of the bill) and they'll register you.