A No Border! benifit gig
Films, Hip Hop and Party
9th September 7.30h
at Matilda Social Centre, 111 Matilda St., Sheffield

Delete the Border
Delete the border!
* Films, HipHop and the best of Sheffield's underground techno
* Friday 9th September 2005 from 7.30pm at Matilda Social Centre
* £3 (proceedings go to the Magical Mystery Tour in Sheffield
View !
* No Detention Centres nowhere!
A film about the european joint efforts to create a system of detention centres and the resistance against it.
* Clips from no border actions at Scotland G8
Listen !
Home grown Hip Hop with Sheffield finest hiphop artists
Dance !
Two floors of bigbeats, hardhouse, mininal electro with
trollyd soundsystem

and C90
Download the flyer (110kb)