1. It reduces the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.
2. It reduces the emission of toxic materials and heavy metals into the environment.
3. It releases a new renewable energy supply thereby reducing the demand for fossil fuels.
4. It uses materials that otherwise would provide a waste disposal problem.
Most diesel vehicles can run on biofuel without modification. Biofuel is not the same as pure vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is thicker and diesel engines need to be converted first before using it. Boolers can provide info on this too for anyone interested though they say it is more complicated than simply buying biofuel.
Biofuel is more expensive to produce than ordinary diesel but, because it is taxed less, the cost per litre (currently 70p) is less than one would pay at the pumps.
Biofuel can also be mixed with ordinary diesel too.
For more info see

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