Please contact us if you would like to book your free place, as they are limited.
There will also be a discussion on the future of 'Grow your own media lab' on Friday 23rd April, looking into using free hard and software for media labs. To join this event, please also email us at

Please keep checking

artist: richard bolam
title: hyperscape
venue: workstation
dates: 19apr - 07may
Richard Bolam uses vintage 'baby' Apple Macs and the software Hypercard in these generative artworks. The original version of Hyperscape was developed in 2003 in collaboration with Access Space, and was subsequently part of the Classic II exhibition at Electrohype-ROM, Malmo, Sweden. 4[in]04 will see new versions of the software - bigger and better... but less is more!
artist: RTI
title: lowtech videowall
venue: YASS public artspace
dates: 19apr - 30apr
Never shown in Sheffield before, the lowtech videowall by RTI has travelled! Shown abroad more times than in England, his piece is a huge monument to redundant technology - 36 PCs in all.
artist: gatescherrywolmark
title: intersections
venue: access space
dates: 19apr - 12may
2 artists and one writer make up this all female syndicate. This is a series of proofs, with really striking images - a must see.
venue:access space
times:12noon - 6pm
A series of presentations and demonstrations of leading open-source multimedia software - following the format of the successful Tools & Techniques event in September 2003. Guests will be introducing their work and techniques, covering such software as:
Image processing software - arguably the flagship piece of open source graphics software. GIMP is hailed as the free version of Photoshop, and may well give thir corporate counterparts a run for their money.
New software currently under development in a number of universities worldwide. This is an extremely powerful programme for writing Java applets - great for making 3d animations, interactive websites... and just about anything else.
Pure Data. Super powerful programming environment for audio and video synthesis. This is the software used by 'nullpointer' for much of his work.
Image Magick
A command-line based graphics software, which can save you HUGE amounts of time. Imagine how long it would take to resize or animate 300 images separately - Image Magick can do it in a matter of seconds.
[+ others tbc]
venue:SIF studio [sheffield independent film]
times:8pm - late
nullpointer [tom betts]
Nullpointer first came to Access Space in 2000, so it only seemed right to ask him to come back for our 4th birthday! His work in various guises has earned him a great deal of respect in his field, and he was the man who first introduced Access Space to the world of Pd.
brian duffy [modified toy orchestra]
The Modified Toy Orchestra is circuit bending at its finest. Think 'Speak And Spell' plus a soldering iron and a dark sense of humour. Check releases on Static Caravan.
One of the few people using sequencers on the Nintendo Gameboy for live audio performance. Spoonbender uses both LSDJ and Nanoloop for his work - which we hear also work on the 'gnuboy' emulator...
matthew gray
Any intermission noise - credit to Matthew Gray. His diverse use of audio software (including Super-Collider and MAX) makes his live sets varied, intricate and unpredictable! It could be a soundscape, or it could be techno - we expect both!
[+ other possible performances tbc]