Message from 'Inquest'
The year's most shocking list
Figures show steep rise in self-inflicted deaths in prison
The Guardian Wednesday January 7, 2004

Ninety-Four people killed themselves in prison last year, according to figures collated by penal reform charity 'Inquest'.
Some 41% of those who took their own lives in custody were awaiting trial, yet to be convicted of any crime. Women accounted for 14 of the self-inflicted deaths in 2003, up 56% on the previous year and the highest number ever recorded.
The Home Office says that the annual number of women killing themselves in prison has risen eightfold since the early 1990s. It attributes the overall rise in self-inflicted deaths - up 29% since 1997 - to the increased prison population and the higher number of prisoners with a history of drug and alchol abuse and mental health problems.
Deborah Coles, co-director of Inquest says: "These statistics are the chilling consequence of sending more and more people to prison. Prisons are increasingly used as a dumping ground for the most vulnerable people."
A Home Office spokesperson says: "Current policy and practice are being reviewed in consultation with a wide range of external interests and the prisoners' minister will announce the next steps in the spring."
Below we name all 94 of those who killed themselves in prison in 2003, list compiled by 'Inquest'.
Adam, Jessica 22, hanging, New Hall
Blanksby, Petra 19, hanging, New Hall
Booth, Wendy 35, hanging, Durham
Buck, Jayne 28, hanging, Durham
Campbell, Sarah 18, overdose, Styal
Clifford, Jennifer Dawn 19, hanging, Bullwood Hall
Gidney, Leanne 18, hanging, Brockhill
Levey, Emma 25, hanging, Downview
Parsons, Clare 20, hanging, Eastwood Park
Price, Helena 27, hanging, New Hall
Stevens, Sue 48, hanging, Durham
Walsh, Julie Bernadette 39, overdose, Styal
Williams, Hayley 41, hanging, Styal
Willis, Jolene 25, hanging, Styal
Allcock, Phillip 41, hanging, Altcourse
Baker, Paul 42, burns, Dartmoor
Barclay, Andrew Graham 20, hanging, Norwich
Barrass, Stephen 23, hanging, Durham
Barrett, Duncan 24, hanging, Wymott
Beeres, Barry 22, hanging, Wellingborough
Bennett, Darren 30, hanging, Nottingham
Birch, Timothy 30, hanging, Bristol
Birrane, Ian 45, hanging, Highdown
Blacknell, Andrew 25, hanging, Nottingham
Blake, Daniel 21, hanging, Woodhill
Bodnarchuk, Michael 42, hanging, Haslar Immigration Removal Centre
Boote, David 32, hanging, Blakenhurst
Bracey, Neil Mark 41, hanging, Shepton
Brittan, Alan 56, hanging, Birmingham
Brownlee, Nicholas 29, plastic bag over head, Norwich
Byron, David 31, hanging, Doncaster
Cairns, Robert 29, hanging, Wormwood Scrubs
Coates, George 62, hanging, Blakenhurst
Coates, Steven 43, hanging, Camp Hill
Collins, Kevin 29, hanging, Wymott
Cooper, Kevin 35 Self-Inflicted Manchester
Cowen, Maurice 30, hanging, Durham
Dales, Richard 28, hanging, Hull
Davies, Stephen 52 Self-Inflicted Birmingham
Dennis, Carl Steven 23, hanging, Hull
Dickinson, Robert 52, hanging, Lincoln
Dobbin, Paul 23, hanging, Forest Bank
Dolman, Michael 49, hanging, Birmingham
Draisey, Graham 36, hanging, Manchester
Duhri, Mohammed bin 19, hanging, Belmarsh
El-hage, Adel Muftah 29, electrocution, Woodhill
Derek, Fitzsimmons 34 Self-Inflicted Leicester
Graham, Nicholas 23, hanging, Dorchester
Green, Robert 38, hanging, Winchester
Hatton, Gary 31, hanging, Elmley
He, Liang 23, hanging, Bedford
Hutchinson, Alan 32, hanging, Lancaster Castle
Jones, Robert 32, hanging, Swansea
King, David 30 Self-Inflicted Leeds
Kirby, Stephen 57, hanging, Nottingham
Lawson, David 39, hanging, Bullingdon
Lebon, Charles Dojer 43, hanging, Winchester
Levey, Emma 25, hanging, Downview
Logue, Michael 40, hanging, Preston
MacAdam, Craig 25, hanging, Acklington
Madden, Daniel 38, hanging, Winchester
Marshall, Leon 27, hanging, Lewes
Mawson, Barry Edward 44, hanging, Liverpool
McDermott, Raymond 32, hanging, Preston
McFarlene, John 26, hanging, Liverpool
McKee, Andrew 32, hanging, Preston
McLeggan, Andrew Lloyd , 31, hanging, Brixton prison
McNamara, Mark Joseph 20, hanging, Swinfen Hall
McSweeney, Kevin 35, hanging, Wandsworth
Minor, Andrew 36, hanging, Shrewsbury
Mootaz, Daniel 26 Self-Inflicted Parkhurst
Mutti, Rajwinder Singh 22, hanging, Blakenhurst
Okello, Patrick 32, hanging, Wandsworth
Preston, Albert , 26, hanging, Altcourse
Price, Ian Thomas Tuesday, 13 May, 2003, HMP Blakenhurst
Proctor, Michael 24, hanging, Leeds
Prosser, James 47, jumped off building, The Verne
Rixon, Clinton 21, hanging, Dorchester.
Rowles, Alan 29, hanging, Birmingham
Shamraz, Iqbal 35, hanging, Nottingham
Sharp, John Leslie 40, hanging, Bristol
Shaw, Peter 50, hanging, Belmarsh
Smith, Brian 20, hanging, Aylesbury Youth Offenders Institute
Smith, Michael 37, hanging, Elmley
Sowry, Neil 32, hanging, Leeds
Spinelli, Vincent 40, hanging, Liverpool
Tabberer, Ian 35, hanging, Leicester
Taylor, David 22, hanging, Belmarsh
Townsend, Benjamin 19, hanging, Norwich
Walpole, Steven 33, hanging, Wandsworth
Warwick, Stuart 29, burns, Winchester
Watson, Paul Alan 20, hanging, Castington
Williams, Hayley 41, hanging, Styal
Williams, Jaon 28, hanging, Bristol
Wilson, Martin 24, hanging, Prison Escort and Custody Service
Wilson, Steven Mark 44, hanging, Blakenhurst
Next time you hear someone saying prison is a holiday camp-smack'em in the mouth!
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08-01-2004 10:20 AM
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