Taking part in BND is fun and engaging. Below are some of the most successful activities - if you want to add to the list CONTACT us...
Mark out a public area and fill it with people playing games, listening to music and chilling out on sofas or chairs (inflatable furniture is good). Hand out balloons with Buy Nothing Day written on them to the bemused onlookers
Join the Consumer Monster Challenge - take to the streets with a video camera and your own

You'll need 13 (lucky), friends and 26 plain shopping bags (if possible all same colour). On each bag put 1 letter making up (BUY NOTHING DAY) line yourself one behind each other - spelling out 'Buy Nothing Day' on the left and right side of your line. Play follow the leader - snake around malls, shops and stand in ques etc.
Self explained - borrow some shopping trolleys and get teams to decorate them in BND racing colours or banners. Map out a course and Race or time challenge? Alternatively get friends to climb into trolleys with BND banners and wheel them up and down shopping isles until you get asked to leave! Chant Slogans - 'Shop less Live More!' - 'Give Love - not money!' or 'Spend a day without spending!'
Re-live those childhood tantrum moments - except this time you're all grown up and should know better. Sit on the floor in any shop with a friend and chuck a mental. Shout things like 'I don't want anything anymore!' or 'You've got more shopping than me - that's not fair you pig!', anything really - just be a BIG kid.
Fairly simple idea. Set up a table and ask people to do swaps. Just for fun - leave a set of bugus Porsche keys and see if anyone notices?
Slightly more adventurous - you'll need a big sheet. Paint on a BND slogan like 'The more you consume the less you live!' and see if you can get it put up somewhere in your local shopping centre.
Top off BND with a classic conga. Chant, sing songs and get everyone to join in. It's a great way to end Buy Nothing Day!
More ideas and info:

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