St Mary’s Community Centre, Bramall Lane, Sheffield.
In Brazil the left wing trade unionist Lula won the presidency amidst great popular expectation of radical change. In Venezuela president Chavez leads a 'Bolivarian Revolution' in the interests of the poor. In Argentina the economy's collapse has prompted waves of popular mobilisation in the streets and factories. In Colombia leftist guerrillas control large parts of the countryside. Whilst Cuba's socialist revolution celebrates its 44th year in power and the Zapatistas, 10 years of struggle in Chiapas for indigenous peoples rights.
But foreign, and most especially US, capital, is not prepared to give up its super exploitation of Latin America's resources. Cuba is declared a 'Rogue State' and threatened with military attack, to add to the US economic blockade against it. US military advisors intervene in the Colombian civil war whilst Colombian trade unionists are assassinated in their hundreds. Chavez and his supporters beat off a US backed coup attempt and a 3 month employers strike. And meanwhile the US pushes hard to establish, in 2005, the Free Trade Area of the Americas, which would economically enslave the entire continent.
Which way will Latin America go? What role is there for solidarity actions by people in Britain?
For further details see the web site for the event: