7:30 pm Tuesday 16th September
St Matthew's Church rooms, Carver Street
Justice Not Vengeance www.j-n-v.org , a new antiwar group started by ARROW co-founders Milan Rai and David Polden, is facilitating the creation of a new non-heirachical grassroots anti-war network to enable greater communication between groups so that they can share ideas, experiences, information and skills, as well as promote events, NVDAs, etc. The idea of the Network is not to compete with existing frameworks (eg, StWC, Social Forum, Indymedia) but to complement them, as the Network Conference from September 26th to 28th in London will complement the StWC demo on the 27th.
Last month there was a Network Northern launch meeting in Leeds. On Tuesday 16th September there will be a launch meeting in Sheffield. If you would like to get involved or find out more, please come along - or contact me at: