hello mozaz: on monday (last open imc meeting for sheffield) myself andy come to the imc
meeting with an agenda agreed.. that agenda being the
emancipation of the working class (see(

urbanparanoia.. just not the case.. this year we have placed three people into the ground due to the incresed use of hard drugs here in sheffield.. we need to organise and now.. our class are not only being killed in iraq and the rest of the world but on the streets of sheffield we are seeing them killed.. we feel that imc sheffield could be a poastive move forword etc.. but come on people you are a gheto of just the few.. now we understand some people was not happy at us being at the meeting monday and if the floor of the ncpm could have open i'm sure (speaking for myself here) there would have been some happy
people.. yet againe one of my post has been removed.. i ask why? is not the art of the working class relevant.. for some of us it our only means of self expreshon etc.. this is why sheffield imc needs to be open etc to give a voice to those who are being shafted etc in this city.. why the mean brothers as the rumers of this village come to the meeting
monday.. we both feel the same on this there is to much sectarian shit here in sheffield.. yes we have played our part.. but we know when to end this etc..
thats why urbanparanoia was disspanded etc.. come on work it through people.. we all do shit.. like i have said if people have said to me would you like to meet mozaz 4 / 5 years ago then i would have told them fuck off.. but people move forword.. yes i drink far to much and have some problems etc.. but i'm moveing forword.. but this is just not about me or the intrest of the self but the emancipation of all people.. look i do not give a fuck if you are a member of whatever.. if you are middle class.. we are all human and perhaps this is the perspective we need to come from.. understand people via love not intolarance as i got on monday.. for me working with the sheffield imc is a
leap of trust etc.. i kinda ask some people understand this and start to work collectavaly.. instaed of fucking each other over because we migh disagree on the way forword etc..
for now
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