UK Police defending US government property from UK citizens
According to liberal political philosophy there are two primary justifications for the existence of government. Firstly the government is there to protect its people from foreign powers. Secondly it is to protect its people from each other. Days like this at Menwith Hill provide a stark reminder that such liberal ideology is complete bollocks. In the real world that philosophy is completely perverted. Here our government was protecting a foriegn occupying force FROM the people (us) it was supposed to protect. No one is protecting us from them or or each other and clearly we have no need of such 'protection'.
There were huge numbers of police at Menwith including police with horses, police with cameras, police with four wheel buggies, and police with submachine guns. Whether they would have used their guns or not remains to be seen. Maybe they weren't even loaded and the point of them is just to scare and intimidate people (terrorism?). Who knows? But it's interesting that our government is even prepared to suggest that they will kill us just to protect the property of foreign government.
The whole policing operation at Menwith must of cost many thousands of pounds. Money from British taxpayers goes to pay to protect a foreign government institution that is used to spy, illegally, on us and the rest of Europe.
These days such Orwellian perversions are being written into English law more and more. We live in country where the so called 'Prevention of Terrorism' laws are used against people protesting for peace. The fact that such irony cannot be seen by our rulers shows how twisted and messed up their minds really are. Their viewpoint is so way off that they are having to redefine language to get it to fit with their screwed up perceptions of reality. They are, literally, completely mad.
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