The EDL are almost begging Britain First to attend - Jayda will be well chuffed at all the attention coming her way - usually everyone ignores her.
As the Piss and Shit Squad like to use their stupid "five words" (we go where we want), but without police permission to gather, their intention to cause a nuisance after dark, they will more than likely be moved on by Old Bill. The crappy Pegida logo shows an Antifa logo being binned, but when it comes to accidentally stumbling across Antifa in the side streets around the German Embassy, Marsh's chums who get their kicks from pushing women down flights of stairs, will be all mouth and no sodding trousers, so if you are going to call into London to say "hi" to the nazi scum, provided you all stick together, these cowards will not harm you.
Clapton Ultras came off unharmed after recent skirmishes with the Pish an Shit brownpants crew, Mark Carlton one of the troublemakers who turned up in a minibus from Huddersfield.
Marky Carlton from Huddersfield EDL (West Yorkshire), real name Mark Johnson), who participated in the Joseph's Well violence in Leeds, is still under an 18 months suspended sentence, meaning if he shows up outside the German Embassy and "gets loses it", he ends up doing porridge. His EDL comrades call him "darky" for some reason, but they insist (like Pegida) they are not racist.
Moment of the night for roving fash spotters (Antifa and Hope Not Hate), will be the appearance of a small number of green binbags (if next day is not designated bin-emptying day) if Golding decides to mingle amongst his EDL rivals, but the fun will really start if Paul Prodromou shows up, waving a drunken fist or two in the direction of the UAF with sidekick Al Francis (if his knackered old Satnav doesn't break down).
Prodromou has denied this is his real name, and insists his name is Pitt, his denial of his Greek origins must have been a tease with Golden Dawn when organising similar support demos for the Hitler lovers from Greece.
A television documentary taking the absolute piss out of the SEA and Paul Prodromou in particular, will be showing sometime in the springtime, making him look almost as stupid and inept as he really is. This is the guy who when goostepping in Brighton (accidentally???) jabbed his son in the eye with a St George's flagpole.
The documentary shows the Oliver Hardy (Laurel and Hardy) of fascist politics ending up in the A&E department of his local hospital when himself and racist cohort Roy Price Jones got all mouthy to a load of football fans.
Antifa - take care, be safe, stick together, and enjoy!!!
No Pasaran!
Hide the following 15 comments
Fuck Nazis!
10.01.2015 10:30
No Pasaran!
Support Your
10.01.2015 10:32
Be safe, as the article says, and TAKE CARE! NAZI THUGS IN LONDON THIS MONDAY
10.01.2015 10:40
We stand as one, to keep London fascist-free!
And, as we are not UAF, we will not be kettled in the UAF pen.
No Borders
Paul Pitt
10.01.2015 10:45
Piss and Shit Squad
10.01.2015 10:51
Clapton FC Supporter
South East Infidels gunning for revenge
10.01.2015 10:54
Mark Johnson / Mark Carlton complete with Black Eye
10.01.2015 11:00
Hudds Minibus To German Embassy.
10.01.2015 11:03
Carlton is mixed race.
Which is why he is instead going to London with Hudds EDL in a minibus,
The Binbag Army
10.01.2015 11:12
Richard Kemp
10.01.2015 11:21
Kemp has been in trouble with the law before with a lengthy criminal record.
This photo was taken at the march for england when kemp went ape shit all of a sudden and had to be arrested.
Kemp has got a very short temper and is more of a violent threat than Mark Carlton.
Hippy Girl
the race hate has started in earnest
10.01.2015 14:29
The UK Pediga page (not fb group) is filling up with racist comments too.
Mark Edmends of the EDL has just called someone a "muzzrat" and a "n*gger".
One of their admins called Paul has tried to censor the rank and file EDLers and Britain First members who make up most of the group, but he is being ignored, and called 'politically correct' by their neo-nazi members.
Jane Ellis
Golden Dawn Flags At Pegida UK Events
12.01.2015 13:32
Henry William Davies
Be Careful - Fascist Thugs About
12.01.2015 13:41
Cowardly Pie and Mash thugs have been known to attack lone protestors, so stick together for safety.
Recently, the violent anti-union scabs pushed a woman an anti-cuts rally in London down a flight of stairs for carrying a trade union banner.
No Pasaran!
Nazis On The Run....., Nazis On The Run @edlnews @slatfascists
12.01.2015 13:47
And the jailer man,
Ready for Patriot Sam
They'll be searching everyone
Fascist arrests are so much fun
For the scum on the run, scum on the run.
The Nazis on the run, The Nazis on the run.
Wise Advice Indeed - Stick Together Leaving Demo
12.01.2015 13:49
Stick together tonight.
Huddersfield EDL have lots of criminal convictions between them for extreme violence.
Take care. The cowardly neo-nazis tend to pick off lone protestors.
Train Driver